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ISRAEL: The killing of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin and the "Hannibal protocol"

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Joseph Zernik
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To avoid the need to negotiate the release of captives with the Palestinians, IDF issued directives, ordering the use any force necessary to prevent the capture of its soldiers, even if it leads to the death of its own soldiers...

OccupyTLV, August 4 - regarding the killing of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin and the 'Hannibal protocol', Haaretz daily published this morning the article, linked below. [1] The article should be deemed vague and ambiguous...
In comparison, one could read the Wikipedia item "Hannibal Directive", which should be considered edited by IDF, the i24News report, and Richard Silverstein on the same subject. [2-4]
Of particular interest is Silverstein's claim that reporting on this subject was the reason for the IDF attempt to censor a NYT reporter in Israel last week. [4] The incident was reported, but without details, regarding the subject of the censorship.
There is no doubt that the issue of 'Hannibal protocol' is a sensitive issue in Israel today. However, it is difficult to figure out what are the rules of conduct that the Israeli governmet is trying to enforce in this matter. It appears that it is permitted to talk about the subject, including on radio and TV, but it should not be detailed in writing in Israel, unless in English...
Sounds confusing...
One thing is clear: With the passage of time, it is going to be one of the main issues that would be permanently linked to the current catastrophic round of violence in Gaza.
UPDATE: August 5, 2014
The Israeli daily Haaretz editorial today, linked below, is still circumspect. Enough details were released, to make a reasonable person conclude that IDF knew that Lieutenant Hadar Goldin was dead already on Friday, in the the immediate aftermath of the incident.
2014-08-05 Investigate what happened in Rafah_Haaretz
UPDATE: August 7, 2014
Haaretz Hebrew edition (but not the English one) today carries an opinion piece, calling for the immediate revoking of the Hannibal procedure. Other news reports in recent days record the acceptance of the procedure by the family of the late Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, and by Lieutenant Eitan, the two main figures in the most recent application of the procedure. Both appear to be part of what is generally described as the "religious-national" sector in Israeli politics, and the procedure stands in clear violation of Halachah - Jewish religious law.
2014-08-07 A nightmare called "Hannibal procedure"_Haaretz
[1] 2014-08-04 Dozens of innocents killed in IDF's 'Hannibal' protocol_Haaretz
[2] Hannibal Directive_Wikipedia
[3] 2014-08-04 Israeli army employed 'Hannibal Protocol' to prevent officer's abduction_i24News
[4] 2014-08-02 IDF Censor Tells NY Times It Must Censor Future Reports on Killing of Lt. Hadar Goldin_ RICHARD SILVERSTEIN
[5] 2011-10-31 IDF Discusses 'Hannibal Protocol,' Designed To Prevent Soldier Abduction
[6] 2014-08-01 Report: IDF implemented Hannibal Protocol right after kidnapping
[7] 2014-08-01 Hadar Goldin and 'Hannibal Directive': Israel's Nightmare Dilemma to Stop Soldier Becoming Hamas Pawn
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