Bushmaster Carbine
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Mika Järvinen, Author: Mika Järvinen) Details Source DMCA
The USA in general and the NRA in particular have reached a new low with the insane claim that more guns will make us safer and we should have armed guards at the doors of every schoolhouse across the nation. If such a ridiculous statement were true then why isn't our country the safest on the planet, given that we already own the majority of weapons?
The rest of the world shakes its head in disbelief at the NRA death cult, which holds a fatal lock on our so-called elected representatives in Congress. We have a President who can't even mention the words, gun, control, or legislation when he addresses the grieving families & a shocked nation. And please don't bleat it's down to respect for the families or the cancer of political correctness that disables our leadership.
And we are all shocked -- particularly nice white middle-class people who can't believe this can happen in such a safe neighborhood. But this sort of thing goes on daily in poor, black, & minority inner-city areas. Admittedly not on the same industrial scale of slaughter but the pain & suffering caused is no less and deserves some response from our pathetic legislators. We all know that the longer debate & examination of the issues can be delayed the less likelihood that any real change will ever happen beyond tinkering at the edges.
We are told in crank letters to local newspaper editors and by 'lamestream' media pundits that the
This is simply not possible if for no other reason than we have absolutely no idea how many guns are actually out there in the community. Prior to 1968 there was no compulsory registration of guns and since then probably about 300 million have been recorded.
So let's say there are conservatively about 360 million licensed and unlicensed weapons in potential circulation in the
Counted another way that's about 166 guns every minute for the next four years, getting on for nearly 3 weapons confiscated every second!
Clearly that's not physically possible and besides it's unfair to the majority of responsible gun owners who like to hunt, target practice, or just want a weapon for self-defense - so what are we to do?
There is only one sensible answer -- introduce a Gun-Liability Insurance Act (GLIA) . Just as we are required by law to insure our vehicles because they may cause injury to others, then do the same for weapons.
Second only to this step is the introduction of Single-Payer Healthcare. The market-driven current system allows too many mentally ill people to slip thru the net.
America is not inherently more violent than any other modern western nation. The only thing that makes it unique is the ease to obtain weapons & the lack of a national mental health-care system.