A recent Amnesty International story is reporting that a 13-year old girl was stoned to death for "adultery"
Don't anyone, anywhere, get in my face and tell me about the blessedness of the religious Middle Eastern dessert cults, be it torture-cross bearing X-tians, Muslim bath-robe turbanites, or Israeli interlopers with mutilated penises who can't get along with their Arab Abrahamic half-brothers, or any other member of a cult that engages in the kind of anti-social behavior committed in the name of a "higher" exo-planet source of transformative energy.
People who commit atrocities such as the stoning described in this NY Times article (http://tinyurl.com/5guecg) are lunatics on the same order as Jim Jones of Guyana fame who passed out poisoned Kool-Aid in the name of self-worship or the indescribably foul actions of the Fred Phelps Gang, aka Westboro Baptist Church, as they execrate any American who has a kind thing to say about gay/lesbian equality.
And how could we forget the Heaven's Gate mass suicide with 38 followers believing a spaceship was hovering behind the Hale-Bopp comet to whisk them all away to eternal bliss.
In all these examples it's the love of ego that translates into murder for the rest of us. Private religious belief is being used to separate individuals from their civil rights even as those fanatics refuse to bear any responsibility.
To believe in extra-terrestrial forces is to addict yourself to the same mind drug that the loonies use to numb their own minds as they perform their atrocities in the name of THEIR "higher calling". Don't forget, all the religious addicts on the left or right side of the non-believing fence claim it's the SAME god, metamorphosed according to the language and cultural history of the region and using one name or another accordingly.
This confusion of mind is being used to deny gay/lesbian taxpayers living in the USA our civil rights to which we are entitled by citizenship. This denial of civil rights is being voted in four states this week--same gender marriage in California, Arizona, Florida, and adoption by gay/lesbian couples in Arkansas.
Someone tell me in 20 words or less why my citizenship should be denied, diluted, and disparaged just because I'm a gay man.
Tell me in 20 words or less why a religious belief should be used to separate me from my partner of 32 years should he need to be hospitalized.
In 20 words or less tell me why I can't transfer my Social Security pension to my partner should I die first.
Why, in 20 words or less, am I forced to follow the religious tenets of people who believe wine can be turned into blood, an Arab rode a horse into "heaven", and a migrating tribe of nomads walked a path through the Red Sea while I and my partner are denied civil liberties such as those enjoyed by these cult believers who have no questions asked as to what they do with their genitals.