President Musharraf of Pakistan to be impeached - Times Online
Aug 8, 2008 ... Pakistan’s political crisis came to a head yesterday after the country’s ruling coalition moved to impeach President Musharraf, ...
Meanwhile in the United States, portrayed by its corporate media as a paragon of constitutional law and democratic virtue, the majority 'opposition' party protects President Bush from impeachment for homicidal crimes and is willingly complicit.
Panel holds 'non-impeachment hearing' --
Jul 26, 2008 ... WASHINGTON
"Committee members and witnesses, including Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr, spoke for almost six hours on allegations the Bush administration, among other things, misled the public into the Iraq War, manipulated intelligence and selectively prosecuted Democrats. Northwestern University professor Stephen Presser offered expert analysis.
The session was not an impeachment hearing, because the House of Representatives had not given authorization for such proceedings. ...House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has said impeachment is "off the table."
Dave Lindorff, author of This Can't Be Happening! Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy and co-author of The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office gives a telling description of the ongoing collusion in the obstruction of justice in his article on the impeachment hearing published by OpEdNews July 30, 2008:
"The dramatic and long delayed session chaired by Judiciary Chair John Conyers (D-MI) was both a staged farce...
As Conyers made clear more than once during the six-hour session, this was “not an impeachment hearing, however much many in the audience might wish it to be...
... the hearing was strictly limited to the most superficial airing of Bush administration crimes and misdemeanors ...
... witness Vincent Bugliosi. A former Los Angeles deputy district attorney, accusing Bush of being guilty of the murder of over 4000 American soldiers and of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians because he had “lied” the country into an illegal and unnecessary war...But Lindorff points out that
"It was clear that this was to be a tightly controlled and strictly limited hearing."
It was also clear that it was intended to go nowhere.
In the end, the hearing petered out, taking no action of any kind—exactly the result that Pelosi, Hoyer and Conyers cynically intended."
President Bush and his dad, a former head of the CIA who afterward became President, visible on TV at the Olympics, must be wondering how their friend President Musharraf could have allowed such a thing as impeachment to befall him. Apparently globalizing corporations do not own enough of the politicians and media over there in Pakistan.
In the U.S.A. the New York Times did not report the Judiciary Committee's hearing and other major newspapers put mention of it in inside pages - excepting the C-span telecast watched by that small minority of keenly interested and active citizens, it was a nearly a complete news black-out.
Those readers who are steadfast in their belief in what is left of the influence of educated public opinion in America, can take heart with a full reading of Dave Lindorff's Impeachment Hearing in the House: A Victory of Sorts, and a Challenge- and of course be moved to action encouraged by the example of impeachment proceedings in Pakistan.