Obama is waffling more every day while the DLC Clinton right wing machine keeps desperately trying to take over the Presidency.
Should we be surprised? We should NEVER forget the DLC Clinton machine is what puked out the 2006 Congress of dem traitors, and just one example of an historical Clinton atrocity is their repeated support of Monsanto Corporation’s trashing of sane and "green" production of food.
The following excellent submission says it all: http://www.opednews.com/articles/Monsanto-and-Hillary-Clint-by-Linn-Cohen-Cole-090209-290.html.
Obama still deserves our support and Godspeed to him, but with the passage of every week, he keeps sliding more into "status quo" politics, i.e., NO FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE OF ANYTHING.
At the end of the next four years, it’s already probable the best we can hope for is a "decorated cage".
Of course, all this was 100% predictable since politics, even at its "best" is social game invented by and for the elites. Notice the Obama Administration is incomparably more generous to Wall Street than "Main Street". The sad, sad truth is that working class Americans are getting precious little from President Barack Obama.
Naturally, this is NOT Obama's Presidential campaign promises, but elitist lobbies like the AIPAC and Monsanto (both of whom "own" the Clintons), are showing the world again that this is the United States of Lobbies, not the United States of America.
In short, the "will of the people" (which was a MASSIVE mandate for radical change) is being laughed at by elitist, special interest lobbies. Indeed, the Chinese are accusing us of being the United States of Israel.
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