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Is It Really Change We Need Or What?

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   2 comments

Message Peter Mirisola
Where's the change? If I hear that one more time I think I might puke. Let me say in advance, "pardon my vernacular."  As compared to the subject matter and the actions of our leaders, my language is hardly distasteful. Now, back to Barack! Give the guy a chance to take off his hat and coat, will'ya? He's not even been sworn in yet.

I have to admit that I voted for him because I felt letting the extreme right continue  in the driver's seat would be an incorrect strategic move under the circumstances. At least Obama made sense for the most part. If he happens to be an honest man with the right intentions then he may even be the right man to have in office. We won't know for a while. Naturally, he can't speak out about the real issues without discussing treason, conspiracy and mass murder. He wouldn't be where he is if he went that route. Meanwhile, if this be the case, he has to play the game. Those who have already achieved any degree of power will boot you right out of the picture if you don't play by their rules on the big issues.  A  smart man will sacrifice his ideals to a point just so long as he's aware of how to use the small issues  to eventually accrue enough power--so, that in time he's able to influence the large issues for the good of his cause. Hopefully his cause is us!

This is how I see things in any political or business situation and I voted for him with that in mind. Any one who believes that you can climb to the top without kissing up, testing your own fortitude and sometimes even bending your own values, is not seeing things clearly. You'll never accomplish anything if all you do is buck the old boys. The problem right now is that there's a good many of those old boys on the hill. They have plans for us that will turn the United States into a third world country. They're the mega rich Elite who really call the shots. Look at the confusion in the financial markets right now. What a coincidence that this occurs right after the elections. There's always an issue on the burner. If it's not the war it's torture or it's health care or drugs. There is always something to keep you from thinking.  ReadThis

These are very confusing times, because that's how the big boys want it. You can't think about what's happening to your money, the fact that the cost of everything has shot up, gradually to a point where the cost of living is out of line with the income of almost 70% of working America, who now live on credit. They have every intention of continuing outsourcing manufacturing jobs, and some services , and leaving us with cleanup detail at minimum wage. It's difficult for some to retrain or go back to school in order to change their careers. Even health care or teachers--some other field which is safe from inflation--only pays enough for a meager existence. We all want to be remunerated at a fair rate for our investment, sort of like the way people who have large sums of money are paid for their investments. There should be no difference in investment value between money, labor, education, time, responsibility and dedication. If we all get some intestinal fortitude, there wouldn't be much they could do about it. There are ways to hurt the rich. Start stockpiling staples as much as possible. Just get to the point where you're prepared enough to not have to purchase anything for a couple of weeks. Naturally, we should have some negotiating plans and someone to present them but this is just a simple outline, describing what can be done.

What to do begins with an open mind and strong spirit. When the answers come from informed sources we have to be intelligent enough to recognize them and strong enough to act. It won't be business as usual and it won't all be easy but this is--in a sense, a war. It's a war in the respect that this will be the last action we take to avoid an actual revolutionary war! No one wants violence or civil unrest, especially no one wants bloodshed, but this is the direction we are heading. Some of the population are only recently beginning to feel the repercussions from the actions of the extreme right. There are many more who have been living, or attempting to live, under these dire conditions for years. I'm not talking about those who refuse to work, I'm talking about those who work sixty to seventy hours or more on two or three jobs--just to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Ask yourself, "why should this be?" These are people who are working for those earning millions--who cut the quantity and quality of their product, take advantage of their employees by paying 1970's pay scale, cutting insurance and 401K programs, disallowing sick days and vacations by implied threat. If you are a professional who is on the top end of the scale then perhaps you don't experience this but if you are an hourly or low-end salaried manager (many times a salary is offered to someone who is a hard worker, making it appear as a reward when in fact it's a trap to work more hours without overtime pay) then you are all too familiar with the process. For all of these years that this has been going on, it only becomes increasingly more widespread as jobs are shipped out of the country. The so-called "trickle down" economy has become "trickle out" economics. The rich, who have cried for so long that they need more money so that they can create more jobs have been exposed as being full of it.They have an obligation to this country to help it maintain a strong base economy. Now though, those same robber barons  who have enjoyed record profits for years have somehow gone broke and they want us, the people who they have deserted, to give them money! When 75% of the nation is living on borrowed money and many are on the edge of poverty they say that we just have to tighten our belts and adjust--but when it's them, we need to bail them out. This is why we need to take action now. It's time to change reality.

The corporations have created the joblessness, the inflation, the healthcare crisis, high insurance rates and reduced benefits, high prescription drug costs and all of the rest by means of their greedy actions and without regard for the effects on the people who truly make this country work.  It's gone on for far too long. Why? Because of lobbyists, politicians' relationships with CEO's and corporate heads, the church and the religious right, our right wing military's and government's infatuation with war as a business, the bottom line, the rich wanting to get richer. It's become an infectious disease. The results are in plain view although they keep throwing up barricades, distractions in the form of illegal immigration, war, fabricated terrorist attacks. We could continue to lose our civil rights and freedoms. We would lose the option of legal recourse and will eventually live under marshall law.

We can wait, and hope that Barack Obama has the same ideals and goals in mind as the middle class. That he truly sees what's happening and plans to turn it around. If this is the case, he'll be asking us to do things, make certain temporary concessions, sort of the way that Jack Kennedy asked the country to do in 1961. We were in the throes of a neo-con takeover then also and he saw what was coming. The lines between the government and the mob were getting thin. The CIA, serving the far right which was led by the Rockefellers, was also working with the Cosa Nostra. Circumstances of the times made for some odd bedfellows. and it's really no surprise that these explosive dynamics left the Kennedy's dead, Johnson in office, and a major influx of troops into Viet Nam.

We have nothing to gain in this matter except what we should have had from the start. We're not rabble rousers, revolutionaries or criminals. We are citizens of the United States of America. We are proud and we are strong and we don't take a shafting from anyone, leastwise a pack of robber barons. We should have started by saying no to any and all bailouts. We're still heading in the wrong direction,  and we need to tell Barack Obama how we really feel. Don't be quiet, make noise and make it often. Be an American!

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I was born in 1951. I had the benefit of experiencing the naï ¿ ½vetï ¿ ½ of the 50', The Ozzie and Harriet years, when Dad went to work in a suit and tie and Mom stayed home in high heals and an apron. Yea, that was life for me. I lived in a (more...)
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