ld like to say a few things about the current state of our so called republic. The first thing I would like to say is that we have no republic. We have a group of sociopaths and extremely wealthy people that control this nation for their own benefit. We have no free and fair elections. The game is rigged and I believe that most people reading this are aware of it.
This is not a right or left problem, a liberal or conservative problem, it is an American problem. It affects everyone that lives in America.
What I find amazing is that the Republicans have actually nominated someone that the majority of their party wanted. While Donald Trump may be a terrible choice and a flawed human being, despite the best efforts of the hierarchy of the GOP, the people that voted in the Republican Primaries actually got the candidate that they wanted, no matter how despicable that candidate is.
On the other hand, the party that claims to represent the middle class, the party that speaks of "progressive" values, the party that elected FDR and JFK, chose a woman that has proven to everyone to be a liar, a war hawk and generally a despicable human being.
I have been following and writing about politics for a long time and honestly, I can't think of a single thing she ever did that benefited the American people. As Secretary of State she bullied foreign diplomats, was instrumental in destroying the nation of Libya, and used her undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland to undermine the Ukrainian government that enabled the CIA to perform a coup and oust the elected leader of that nation and force him to flee to Russia. The World can understand how well that worked out. This woman is a trigger for World War III.
Does anyone honestly believe that the majority of Democrats voted for her? If, in actuality they did, then now is the time that real progressives move away from the corrupt Democratic Party. I know that some will say that we can reform the party from within, but that is an impossibility. The Party is corrupt from the top down and it is impossible to change it from the bottom up.
I don't mean to sound all doom and gloom. There is a ray of sunshine that we can embrace. The people in power want us to believe that we Americans have only two choices. They've given us a choice of two narcissists, Trump or Clinton. Ask yourself, do you want either one of them with their finger on our nuclear arsenal? Do you honestly believe that Clinton is more trustworthy than Trump? Look at her track record. If you still want to believe that she is the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil.
American must truly understand what peril these two political parties have put us in. The World is hold its collective breath. When we are put into an impossible situation we as a nation must find a way to think outside the box that they have put us in.
Bernie Sanders can posture and tell the nation that he will carry his political revolution to the Democratic Convention. I say it is meaningless and that will gain nothing for America. If Bernie endorses Hillary Clinton because of his wonderful "principles", he will have turned his back on his political revolution and become a "principled" sellout. The Democratic platform is meaningless. Just look at the Presidency of Barack Obama who promised "Change We Can Believe In" and gave us more war and trillions to the banks that nearly destroyed our economy.
Bernie was sidelined by the mainstream media and the DNC. He tried to win in a rigged primary process and almost succeeded. The Democrats used purged voter fraud and the figures from the exit polls didn't square with the actual votes. He owes the Democrats nothing but his contempt. They sure as hell have my contempt.
If Bernie was serious about changing America's political landscape he would accept Jill Stein's kind offer of joining her ticket. He time for this isn't after the convention, the time is now. Understand something that is very important. Independents make up 51% of American voters. The problem we have is that Americans are brainwashed into believing we have only two choices, Republican or Democrat, Coke or Pepsi. We have choices and people need to understand that, especially when we see what is at stake.
What is at stake is the prospect of more wars, military interventions, wealth disparity, the right of Unions to negotiate for better wages and leaving our children with either a ravaged decimated planet or a planet better than it is now. You may believe that voting out the two party system is unattainable, and as long as you believe that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you believe that one person can make a difference, think of what millions of people could do. It is your choice to make.