The greed, lust for power, and madness pervade beyond the investment bankers of Wall Street and corrupt corporations a la Enron, to the politicians of whatever partisan persuasion we support with such high fervor, to the Ivy League which grooms America's leader class (yes, you read that right), to the churches and temples that support each their own sanctified treachery outside their thick stone walls while sharing moral sanctimony within those walls, to the plethora of peace organizations, each prizing its own agenda, insisting upon its particular nuanced message and dedicated to its institutionalization above all else, then to -- most tragically -- the electorate of this once republic that is insensate to its own best interests or can't be bothered to insist upon decent governance.
Why, people, why do the ninety-plus percent who suffer the pleasure of a greed mongering and treacherous elite not unite in behavior to gain us decent government? Do we lack the brains to perceive the need, the energy for the effort, the articulation for the voice? Must the abuse -- before we elect to do the right thing -- become so monstrous that we must battle in the streets of our neighborhoods to survive?
How many more kids will we sacrifice in the wars of lies and greed? How many more millions need to be slaughtered by "our troops" to the disgrace of our history? How much more are we willing to give, how much more evil are we to ignore by treacherous leaders, how much more of a "chance" will we give the new leader to escalate the slaughterous stakes in Afghanistan after seven years of brutal invasion and occupation? How much lower than 37th in the international rankings will we allow our medical system to descend? How many more millions of jobs to be exported, and how many more millions of cheap labor will be allowed illegally across our borders to drive down the pay for an honest day’s work in competition with our citizens? How many more, how much more, ad nauseam.
What will it take to make us angry in common cause, or will we allow ourselves to be snuffed out before making the united stand for decency, for humanity, for civilization, for sanity?
It's been over six years since a Democrat-majority Senate (including now our chief diplomatic officer, the current Secretary of State) gifted the original Decider his despotic powers, and the new Decider has evidenced little inclination to divest himself of them, or even of the original Decider's Secretary of Defense (read War).
Why are decent Americans not massed at the steps of power in Washington in common cause to stop the treachery and madness? Mind now, this as with all human conditions is not a static phenomenon -- it will get better only if WE make it better -- and if we do not, it will get worse. We need to stand up with the integrity and the courage to make the choice or suffer a choice to be made for us.
As for those who denigrate anger as of no value, unpleasant, and of no positive consequence -- it is advised that you reevaluate your position. Anger is in fact a great, often necessary motivator. What we need to do is unpleasant, inconvenient, even risky, not fun. Anger will help move us to the task. If you don't already have it, it's advised you get some. The alternative is to abide escalation of the treachery that appears to be the logical alternative.
We need a lot of decent people at the seat of power, insisting upon the right thing, and not going away until we get it. I want to be just one face, one citizen in that mass of citizens justifiably outraged by what has happened to America. For me to go alone serves no purpose however heroic (actually futile) such a stunt may appear. Let's go together, I just one face amidst the mass necessary to influence, to put some -- yes -- fear into the power meisters, to imperil their penchant for greed and treachery, to leverage their choice -- however begrudgingly -- for decency.
We need more anger, anger that is focus driven and purposeful. We need stand up together and suffer the inconvenience, discomforts and risks and take back America before it is lost for us and the world forever.