Remember how George W. Bush got elected because he projected the Joe-frat-boy image that indicated to voters it would be a hoot and a howl to have a brew with the Texas oil man? In the 2008 election, feeble attempts were made to duplicate the down-home image of a guy you'd meet at a tail-gate party rather than in a Corporate Skybox. Unfortunately, Senator "hothead" didn't manage to come across as a potential buddy. (Then again they never showed him clearing brush on his Arizona farm--yikes! maybe historians will peg the loss on just that oversight.)
For the lowdown on which of the two candidates would be the best to quaff a brewski with, we contacted the Philadelphia writer and here is Joe Sixpack's reply to our query:
First, I wouldn't say I'm endorsing anyone. Joe Sixpack is just an everyday guy - my constituency is independent-minded beer drinkers who resist being marginalized as some kind of convenient but bogus voting bloc.
But since you ask, I support Obama. I seek quality and character in my beer AND my political leaders. McCain and Palin surely lack both. Their exploitation of my name is just another chapter in the Republican party's cynical use of the blue-collar ethos to enhance their own self-serving policies. The GOP is the party of blue-blooded, fat-cat, cocktail-sipping, Gucci-wearing corporate crooks whose economic system requires me to pick up their bar tab.
I'm not crazy about the Democrats, either. But Obama seems like a decent sort who'd at least buy an occasional round.
-Joe Sixpack
Being the World's Laziest Journalist doesn't mean that you don't do any work; it just means that you do the least amount necessary to bang out the column, so we did look Joe up (some time back) on the Internets. Finding him didn't take very much effort, but it did help us come up with a "Joe" column after Senator McCain made one particular plumber famous.
[Note: when we told someone about the link between "Joe the Plumber" and Charles Keating, we were challenged with this question: "Why don't the regular news people cover that?" He was challenging the legitimacy of the MSM and also the "low down" via blog methodology of being well informed. Hey, the folks at major media outlets sold out (remember the old expression "sell out to the establishment"?) on the run-up to the war in Iraq and once a journalists loose credibility, it's a lot like loosing one's virginity. I.e. ya can't regain you lost status.]
We noticed that Joe has some interesting links on his blog, but since there's a bunch of room left before we get to the disk jockey part of this column, we thought that we would suggest Joe try reading Barstool Mountain, especially since they have been sending a steady trickle of hits to the World's Laziest Journalist's blog and also Modern Drunkard Online Magazine
and all that, in turn, gives us a reason to send a copy of this column to our contact at the Playboy Blog.
That, in turn, reminds us that Larry Flynt's own blog usually has political news and information that our regular readers might like to peruse.
Beer and hot dogs go togeher quite well. Obviously the fact that one hot dog stand in Berkeley, Desi Dog, has a web site won't be of much interest to most of this site's regular readers, but we like to bring new readers here (who knows they might even participate in the fund raising drive after they see the content) and hope that they tell their friends about what they can read by clicking to this site.
Oscar Wilde is credited with coming up with this quote: "Work is the curse of the drinking class."
Now, the disk jockey would usually play a song that reflects the topic of this column, but since we learned today that Ramsey Lewis is recuperating from a malady, the DJ will send out some "get well" vibes and play "In With the 'In' Crowd." We'll say "amen" and quietly slip out of here. Have a "Get better fast!" (and that goes for both Ramsey and the entire country) type week.