The smell of smear and patriot baiting is starting early in the McCain campaign. The current Republican pick for presidential candidate is trying to hide the smoke of his own extreme positions by dodging, blame shifting, lying about his past statements and crying "terrorist appeaser" and "tax and spend liberal" against Barak Obama. MeCain is mixing misinformation about himself with becoming a slanderer of Democrats.
Truly McCain is beginning to look like the anointed successor to George W. Bush. The Republicans should wear the title of "the Party of Boss Tweed". In spite of McCain's attempts to deny what he is on record as saying and deny his completely being in bed with corporate and foreign-dictator lobbyists, all one needs to do is put two and two together and you can see he advocates vintage neo-con positions on many issues. His tax cuts for the rich dwarf even George W.Bush's, for example. And his health care 'reform' amounts to small tax breaks for those who still have a job but nothing fo the many uninsured and/or jobless. The two areas he has harped on so far: are "staying in Iraq and winning" (whatever that means: he can't define just when we'll know when we've won) and 'tax and spend Barak'.
McCain knows how to dish the dirt in a real snake-like manner, but he becomes enraged when anyone calls him on his own inconsistencies, lies or half truths. And when confronted with past statements or positions that he now wants to distance himself from, he slips into the "that doesn't matter" or "I don't think I said that" mode. Anybody who votes for McCain has to be willfully ignorant or else deliberately obtuse. I fail to understand how people can willfully ignore what a sleazy politician this man is. Those so-called disaffected "Democrats" and neo-cons who keep saying "I don't trust Obama" (strain at a gnat) but then swallow,whole, the hypocrisy and dirt-bag-ethics of John McCain (swallow a camel) are really little more than doctrinaire reactionaries anyway, who simply would hate any Demcrat, no matter who it is: Hillary, Obama or whoever.
McCain is a flip-flopping weather vane who will say anything and do anything to pander to the voting blocks he needs in order to get elected. And, despite his wrapping himself in his self-proclaimed 'honor' and 'patriotism' he has a past in which he is up to his eyeballs in insider dealing and scandals that have been quickly forgotten by a biased "liberal" (guffaw) media who idolizes John McCain ever since 2000 when he schmoozed them on his 'Straight-talk' (guffaw) Express"Facts do not bear out McCain's lies with which he seeks to cover up who he really is:
Lie #1
One of the prevalent examples of spin circulating regarding John McCain is that he is his own man, a 'maverick' and not like George W. Bush. However, statistics show he supports Bush via Congressional votes 95% of the time.
Lie #2
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