This doesn't require a lot of introduction. Suffice to say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Rand Paul campaign volunteers curbstomp the beejeesus out of a defenseless woman. If you needed a better metaphor for what these teabaggers are hoping to do, you won't find one than the Rand Paul Stomp
This is no isolated incident. Last summer the Koch suckers in the Republican Party showed up at Democratic town hall meetings and acted in the most disruptive manner possible. They would scream about their white privilege being taken away, and how they wanted "their country back." Any attempt to get these lunatics to stop raving and carrying on was met with pious platitudes about "their first amendment rights" being violated, etc. But when the shoe is on the other foot, they are more than happy to get physical. Especially when their targets can't fight back.
We have women being roughed up at a Joe Miller rally. Joe Miller using <em>active duty</em> military as private security guards. Eric Cantor's people using police and sheriff department goons to harrass and rough up law-abiding Democrats. Gun-toting teabaggers showing up at presidential addresses. And on and on and on... all the while Sarah is egging her fans to "reload." Glenn Beck is "shocked" when his followers believe the garbage he spews and shoot cops and doctors. And there are candidates openly talking about "second amendment solutions" to the problems that face us. Really?
Today it is curbstomping. What'll it be tomorrow? Goose stepping? You think it can't happen here? Try this irony on for size:
<blockquote>When Sinclair Lewis wrote <em>It Can't Happen Here</em> in 1935, the name he gave to the American dictatorship's paramilitary force was <strong>The Minute Men</strong></blockquote>
This attack ad needs to be circulated far and wide as a warning to complacent Americans, we have real brownshirts in our midst and pretending they will play nice is a sucker's bet.