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Kerry's Conundrum - Time for Truth on Ukraine

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Secretary of State John Kerry - time is running out
Secretary of State John Kerry - time is running out
(Image by U.S. Department of State screen capture)
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No amount of propaganda will hide the truth" John Kerry, April 24, 2014

Secretary of State Kerry may have a point about the truth. Despite the best efforts of the administration and corporate media, the lies about the attack on Libya have been exposed. The Arab Spring movement against Gaddafi was violent from the start and the "no fly" zone served as the flimsiest of pretenses for NATO's alliance with the Al Qaeda infested rebels. Kerry's absolute certainty in blaming the chemical weapons attack in Syria on government forces has been exposed as well. Investigative reporting by Seymour Hersh and scientific findings showed that Kerry's bombastic assurances were based on weak evidence. There was no certainty.

Now, the Obama-Kerry road show is opening up a new hyper drama designed to meet the objectives of their masters. Accuracy and truth are the first casualties. What follows is a brief examination Secretary of State John Kerry's Remarks at the State Department, Washington, DC, April 24, 2014. Kerry was more contained than his histrionic performance on the Syrian chemical weapons incident. But, these remarks offer an insight into the administration's current position on the Ukrainian crisis stirred up by successive administrations and their Non Government Organization (NGO) collaborators.

If the absence of accuracy and truth is a measure of desperation, these remarks show a policy in disarray, one incapable of success by any normal definition of the term.

Kerry's remarks are in italics, all from the April 24 remarks linked above. My comments are below his.

EU High Representative Ashton and I made clear that both Russia and Ukraine had to demonstrate more than good faith.  They needed to take concrete actions in order to meet their commitments.

And what actions did each side take? Before the Geneva meetings, the Ukraine coup installed government designated citizens of the Southeastern Ukraine as terrorists.   The coup government has tried at least two military missions aimed against the citizens it calls terrorists. Military force aims to stop a much less raucous version of the very same tactics that brought the coup government to power in Kiev, Ukraine's capital.

The protesters in the southeastern Ukraine have general goals like autonomy and self-rule, a viable economy, and safety. Russian assistance is a factor but that involvement, whatever the level, came after Russia proposed initiatives including a referendum on a federation government for the contested regions. After all, it was President Vladimir Putin who initiated the call to President Barack Obama that resulted in the Geneva agreement on Ukraine, April 17, to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Russia is actually mystified to see Ukraine's neighbors and likeminded free people all over the world united with Ukrainians who want to build a better life and choose their leaders for themselves, by themselves.

Where is Kerry's proof? China supports Russia. There is little interest in the Ukraine among Indians where the government spoke of "legitimate Russian interests" in the region. Latin American people and governments seem t have little interest in the Ukraine. Where are these likeminded people? One place they're not is in the Ukraine. Forbes published a survey on March 24 that found that "strong support" by Ukrainians for the coup government ranges from 27% in the West to just 3% in the East (and this was a U.S. NGO poll!). Kerry's Ukrainians who want to build a better life apparently have little confidence in their leaders tutored and coached by the Obama administration.

Kerry referred to events as a tale of two countries, two countries with vastly different understandings of what it means to uphold an international agreement. " only one side, one country, is keeping its word

Kerry's claim that Russia is violating the Geneva agreement of April 17 includes the claim that Russia isn't supporting key provisions that require that both sides refrain from violence, intimidation, and taking provocative actions [and] lay down their arms and that, in exchange for amnesty,

Speaking of international agreements, surely Kerry recalls the EU brokered agreement of late February between Ukraine's last elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, and protesters that included an end to violent demonstrations and the occupation of government buildings, prompt elections, and an orderly transition of power. That agreement didn't last even days before the protesters violated it.

From day one, the Government of Ukraine started making good on its commitments -- from day one.  " Prime Minister Yatsenyuk has kept his word. "  He suspended Ukraine's counterterrorism initiative over Easter " He also made a personal appeal to Russian-speaking Ukrainians, pledging to support -- and again, these are his words -- a special status to the Russian language and the protection of the language. 

Let's see, the current president of Ukraine, chosen by the U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, suspended the attack that he ordered on his fellow citizens. That's better than ordering and carrying out the attack but hardly the moral high ground. The praised move to allow Russian Ukrainians to continue using their own language came after the coup government proposed disposing of that option.

Kerry praised President Yatsenyukfor making sure that all ongoing demonstrations in Kyiv are actually government-approved and peaceful,

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