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King Would Have Stopped Vietnam and TODAY'S WARS as He Stopped Segregation!

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Jay Janson
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from US Embassy
Martin Luther King, alive today, would be leading the fight against the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen and against a war on Iran. Blacks would be in the forefront with him, for blacks are dying in greater numbers than their percentage of the population today just as they did in Vietnam.

An 81 year old Martin Luther King would have to be prevented from interfering with 'their' phony "war against terror' and our killing Muslims in five countries.

King wasn't murdered in 1968 because of his past victory over segregation. He was not assassinated because someone hated him. It wasn't personal. It was just business. He was taken out so he wouldn't interfere with 'their' phony 'war against communism,' and our killing Asians in three countries.

World business hegemony for U.S. private investors is what modern imperialist war has always been about, and King said so in his Beyond Vietnam speech in New York.
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'They' took MLKjr out of the picture, just five days after 'they' had President Johnson give up his run for reelection. Both arranged events enabled "them' to keep "their' war in Vietnam going.

'They' dropped the President of the war, kept the war, and eliminated the powerful and well organized and committed new opponent of 'their' war in Vietnam that King that had become the year before.

With the charismatic King alive, and his great following ready to march with him, 'they' wouldn't have been able to continue their business in Vietnam through the Nixon years and into those of Gerald Ford.

In his Beyond Vietnam sermon King confessed feeling personal shame and deeply apologized and agonized over not having turned his attention to Vietnam earlier, for not realizing earlier that imperialism and the predatory unjust nature of capitalism abroad and at home must be confronted and defeated if the civil rights movement could advance further. In a booming outraged voice, King had preached that awakening to stopping war on others was a test of our humanity and the first moral chore to facilitate our work at home to create jobs and health care and decent housing.

In that same Beyond Vietnam strident antiwar address, King condemned CIA supported, unfair capitalist investments overseas that were causing intense suffering for local populations plundered all around the planet. He reeled off a number of examples.

If he were alive today, he would condemn U.S. predator investments in Mexico, and in India where millions of children are starving to death while their parents are exploited for their labor. That same U.S. private capital could be invested in America for decent wages.

King grew up during the depression of 1929. In 2011, King would be be reminding Obama that when the Rockefellers, Fords , du Ponts and the other major U.S. wealthy families were investing in the low wages in Hitler's Nazi Germany, President Roosevelt was creating jobs building roads, dams, hospitals and even all sorts of art and music using public funds.

FDR did not ask Americans to be patient and wait for the investment banks of the wealthy to reinvest in America as Obama has been asking citizens, while lending those private banks taxpayer trillions.

He started off that Beyond Vietnam speech by mentioning that other black leaders were criticizing him for focusing on the war instead of on improving the conditions in black communities at home. Isn't that where the media has pointed Americans today in 2011?

The nation focus on, and complains about, loss of jobs, while the same private investment banks that back the killing fields in the Middle East, buy cheap labor in India, Mexico and China with the trillions of the nation's money they force the government they own to turn over to them?

Though 'past is past', don't Americans owe it to the man whose birth they celebrate  holiday this weekend to apply his lesson of personal shame for not confronting Vietnam early on to our passive guilt for multiple wars today? Shall Americans put off organizing the civil disobedience that King led, while they still have the freedom to do so?

Are Americans waiting for the worst that is surely on its way brewing?

We once had a dynamic and intelligent Rev. Martin Luther King. If we don't need another, fine! But if we do, we have his disciple Rev. Jeremiah Wright, though we have let "their' corporate owned 'patriotic media put Wright down and off to the side as 'unpatriotic'.

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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Dissident (more...)

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