Mr. Kucinich’s deliverance of articles of Impeachment to the House of Representatives, occurring right now, is news that the entire country should be aware of! How long will we allow the Mainstream News Media to enable this criminal administration? If attempting to impeach the President of the United States isn’t “Breaking News”, then what is? CNN’s claim that they are the “best news source in the US” is a hollow claim and represents the CNN of yesteryear - not today. CNN, as well as ABC, Faux News, and other MSM entities have betrayed the people of this country and are likely failing to report this important story so people will not be aware of what Mr. Kucinich is attempting, which will help to stifle support from the everyday citizen that would call-in and support this important measure!
If CNN would have covered this important event, Americans could have tuned into C-Span and understood the many crimes that the Bush administration has perpetrated against the American public. It is the lack of knowledge of the general public that has allowed President Bush to break our laws with impunity! It is the enabling of news sources such as CNN that are partially responsible for this criminal administration, and they share in the blame of the many crimes that President Bush is guilty of - and we need to tell CNN how they have betrayed the American people by failing to cover important events such as this, which if the people don’t know about, are unable to support through no fault of their own - but because of a MSM that refuses to inform the public of the danger we are in from a Presidency that is still violating our laws.
Our Mainstream New Media has failed us again, and the failure to inform the public that the crimes of George W. Bush are being laid-out on C-Span even while I’m typing this brief article demonstrates that Bush has too much power and the corporations that own the MSM are attempting to dumb-down the public in an effort to keep their puppet in office. CNN is not longer a viable news source, and people need to get their news off the Internet, the last bastion of truth in the United States. I’m sure they will cover it after-the fact, however, this was a chance for the American public to become aware of the crimes of the Bush administration in great detail, and most Americans are still woefully under-informed of the secrecy of the White House and how many crimes have been perpetrated against the general population.
Shame on you CNN! How will you explain to the people that you failed to inform us of an issue being aired on C-Span that would have educated the American people? Impeachment efforts often fail because the general public is not privy to the breadth and scope of crimes that have been committed against them, and par for the course, America’s supposedly “premier news source” failed us again, and this time, their refusal to report upon this important event is inexcusable and deplorable, par for the course when you consider that CNN is owned by General Electric (and donated 1.1 million to GW Bush for his 2000 election campaign), a huge corporate conglomerate that is profiting from the Wars in Iran and Afghanistan, and would likely profit from a war with Iran.
Let’ face it, our MSM is useless when it pertains to the crimes of the Bush administration, and are complicit and enabling his crimes by failing to report upon important issues that could help to support the impeachment of George W. Bush.
William Cormier
Update: It’s 5:36 AM Eastern Time and I’ve checked all of the major networks, and there isn’t a word on the impeachment resolution being presented to the House of Representatives by Dennis Kucinich! We have two (2) days to get on the ball to call Congress and demand that they support the articles of impeachment. Mr. Kucinich laid-out 35 Articles of Impeachment and articulated each of them quite well, so now it falls upon the people to take-up the cause and ring the phones off the hook in all of the Representatives offices to support these articles of impeachment.
Please check back later this morning, and I will have links with phone numbers for your Representative, especially “impeachment is off the table” Pelosi, and we need to remind them that it’s their duty, not prerogative, to uphold the constitution of the United States and Impeach President Bush; Kucinich needs to add Darth Cheney, and also Pelosi, as she doesn’t deserve to ascend to the Presidency for her utter disrespect of the people when she arbitrarily took impeachment off the table. We are presented with a monumental task, but I watched the hearings last night, and in essence, we have very little time to show our support and make Congress understand that this is the will of the American people and nobody, especially a sitting President, is above the law!
I sincerely believe if the people will take the time to make those calls, we can force them to pass the articles of impeachment, and then the Senate will be our next target. Think about the high prices you’re paying for food and gas, and understand that impeaching President Bush will almost instantly bolster the dollar, which will help to lower oil prices and will send a message to our next President that he has to work within the confines of our constitution and rule of law or face the same fate. Our democracy and way of life is at stake, and the time it will take to make the calls is minuscule compared to how we will all suffer if Bush remains in office and attacks Iran. I will post the rest of the information on this article as soon as possible.
William Cormier
The Enablers Of Fascism, The Mainstream News Media
Mr. Conyers, Threats Of Impeachment If Bush Bombs Iran Are Meaningless!
These are the phone numbers for the House of Representatives. Please call your Representative as soon as possible, starting this morning, and please don’t quit calling until the House approves the Articles of Impeachment and they are sent to the Senate for debate and voting! If we ring those numbers off the hook, Congress will understand that the people want this done, and to fail us will mean they will not be re-elected! (And don’t be shy when you’re talking and remind them that their re-election depends on supporting this resolution.
The list of Representatives I posted earlier had numbers in it that were no longer in service. To make it easier, the web address listed below is entitled “Write your Representative”, however, it also has the phone number included. All you have to go is enter your state and zip code, and his name and phone number will be displayed: