Dennis Kucinich continues to be, for me, the epitome of what a politician should be, and of what I would love to see more of in American politics. He focuses little on what is wrong, and focuses much on how to make things right.
In the last couple of days, two OEN articles: Barbara Fredrickson's "Keep Stoking the Positivity-Our Future Depends on It", and Sandy Sand's "Omigawd, Obama Sparkled on 60 Minutes Interview," focused on the benefits of the positive. Sitafa Harden's diary today was about gratitude. I'm thrilled to see these "feel-good" messages grace the space on OEN.
Kucinich exemplifies these positive qualities for me. I have heard him live dozens of times, and he always begins with appreciation, and leaves his listeners uplifted, instilling his exciting vision of forward movement toward progressive goals.
In his victory speech (see video below) he said:
"What we ran is a campaign based on principle, a campaign based on service, because that's what our politics represents. We have a politics that tries to connect with people's hearts, that tries to relate to people's practical aspirations. So we never got into the exchanges that people were trying to bait us into..."
"... We have to get ready to help create a new nation here ... the last time that the United States had this potential for dramatic change was 1932 ...we have to be ready to catch this wave ...and that's what I intend to be part of...I am so fortunate to have your support ...thank you, thank you, thank you."
The man knows the value of positive focus and appreciation. Here's hoping Obama understands the value of including Kucinich in his cabinet. Ohio's loss can only be the country's -and the world's-gain.
Yesterday's CNN segment, "Obama is Practicing Peace" included Obama, John Ridley, and Kucinich and the topic of intra-national as well as international peace. Kucinich says,
"...this is what politics should really be about ... the art of drawing in new possibilities..." and he goes on to respond with heartfelt vision to an excellent question about the Department of Peace.
Yeah, Dennis Kucinich is still rockin' my world!