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MLK in 1967, "America is Approaching Spiritual Death!" (2011, America is Spiritually Dead)

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Jay Janson
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A meri ca
A meri ca
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ca loves napalm.
Obama jokes about his Hellfire Predator Unmanned Killer will gettcha if you're not careful "you won't know what hit you."
Amerka loves killing other nation's bad guys.
Amerika hails their politicians who served killing Vietnamese in Vietnam as heroes.
NY Times and Wash Post called Martin Luther King a traitor, but Americans still read on.
Americans want to keep killing collaterally from the skies over Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq and hope they can do it to Iran.
Americans are whores for murderously insane world thieves.
Americans think the world loves the United States because they want to come here to make more money than they can at home where US foreign policy has made everyone poor except collaborators with rich Amrika.
Americans love their insurance companies who hate people without big money bothering them.
Americans love controlling and exploiting half the world. (We deserve it. We are exceptionally good.)
Americans hate Adolph Hitler, who idolized his financial backer Henry Ford, who Americans (except Jewish Americans) idolize as well.

Americans highly respect and honor and bow to wars investor David Rockefeller, his Chase Bank, highly respect his war criminal  hatchet men Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, their clever drug running CIA, brave Pentagon and above all their entertaining TV which tells them right from wrong and how they are the nicest people on earth, no matter what the recorded voice of assassinated Martin Luther King says speaking of Vietnam and homicidal predatory U.S. imperialism all around the world and mean capitalism at home. We get the last laugh - a three day holiday on his birthday.

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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Dissident (more...)

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