Most people who are familiar with Iranian politics are familiar with his name Mr. Behzad Nabavi. A man of a Thousand faces .He has fought with just about any body that would fight. He is best known for being one of the leaders of the students who took American embassy personnel hostage for 444 days. He was the main negotiator in those days and would not listen to nobody except Khomeini.
The positive aspect of his currier includes graduating from Tehran's Poli technique; you could not get accepted to Poli technique if you were not extremely bright student. He also was involved in the armed struggle against the Shah .But the rest of his work is repulsive, from taking American's hostage ,to setting up the foundations of the Ministry of Information ( Iranian Intelligence Service ),and creating the first security forces of Khomeini. The repressive organizations which destroyed all democratic groups and installed one of the nastiest governments on earth. Here are some of the excerpts about his past:
I have copied some of his bio from WIKIPEDIA, which seems to be reasonably accurate.
Nabavi started his political activity as aguerrillafighter against thePahlavi governmentand served aprisonterm as a result. He has personally confirmed that when he was arrested in1972, he had triedsuicideby swallowing acyanidepill, which "fortunately or unfortunately" didn't work.Nabavi acted as the chief negotiator of Iran during the discussions withUnited Statesofficials in theIran hostage crisis, were he has been described as a "radical" who gained influence at the expense of "moderates" as a result of the crisis.Nabavi has served in different posts in thegovernment of Iran, including a member of theCentral Committee of the Islamic Revolution, the head of theSetad-e Basij-e Eghtesadi-e Keshvar(the body that introduced government-issuedcouponsbecause of economical difficulties of theIran-Iraq war), which made theconservativescall him acouponist(which rhymes with communistin Persian), the Minister of Heavy Industries underMir-Hossein Moussavi, and a representative ofTehranto the parliament (39% of ballots in2000).
Although most of the hostage takers had a bright future ,he managed to become an enemy of the Islamic republic (punishable by death).You can see his picture among the one hundred people who are being tried in Tehran .They were the big fish among the people whom the government rounded up during the uprising.
According to a recent E-Mail that I received from Tehran, he is in the notorious Evin prison, where he was a prisoner in 70s and He sent many people there later on. According to that E-mail he is being tortured to confess that he is a foreign agent (CIA!!!!). You can see his pictures at:
The Court is something out of a nightmare the judge, the prosecuting attorney and the jury is the same person. A murderer with some knowledge of the Shari'ah law, no lawyers, no help, no nothing. You can see the court and the distinguished judge at
The easy answer is -What Goes around Comes Around-, but I feel awful for the rest of them, the only guilt is participation in a demonstration against the government for blatant cheating in an election.