FEBRUARY 7, 2016 - Martelly Leaves in Disgrace
Martelly is gone!
Finally. Nasty stuff is gone. Bought-by-the-Internationals, indecent,
pornographic and proudly misogynistic Martelly is no longer the puppet
president of Haiti!
The people celebrate
today. Tomorrow they've vowed to address the illegitimately elected
authorities the Internationals are forcing down Haiti's throat to make
the disputed 2015 foreign-supported, corrupt elections count anyways.
The alliance of eight top presidential candidates known as the G-8, disavowed the February 6, Trojan Horse Accord signed between the outgoing Martelly and the unconstitutionally formulated new Parliament. (See,Haiti illegal Parliament to carry forth US-EU International Crimes in Haiti.)
years ago on February 7, 1986, the people of Haiti had a victory almost
as big as today. The people took down the US-sponsored Duvalier dynasty
dictatorship and sent Jean Claude Duvalier into exile. Today, we honor
the victims of empire and took down their Martelly neoDuvalierist. It's not a "grim" day as Reuters and the rest of the corporate media would have you believe. It's a great day for people power against overwhelming forces.
The cover photo was taken on February 6, 2016 at the signing of a last minute Trojan Horse Accord, sponsored by the folks you see seating in the front row. Before this pro-government accord, pushed by the white folks you see seating in the front row in the photo, there were two very good local Haiti agreements with pretty much the same main points put forward to resolve the crisis efficiently and without putting into the mix Parliamentarians who are accused of falsely being elected in the disputed elections. These same colonial forces are the ones who adjusted the Haiti votes back in 2010 under the Hillary Clinton/Obama State Department to fraudulently bring Martelly to power. (See, Five years ago I witnessed Michelle Martelly's Inauguration in Haiti, It was a disturbing sight.)
He's served them well. Selling off Haiti offshore islands and mining rights, letting the World Bank try to amend the Haiti constitution, changing Haiti political structure adding 19 more Deputy members in Parliament from key resource areas the colonial devils want for their own families and countries.
Martelly left office under widespread street protest that boycotted the internationally fraudulent 2015 elections.
But he didn't leave Haiti to a fresh start, free of colonial oppression. The front row folks made sure he signed an Accord that gave legitimacy to both duly and fraudulently voted-in Parliament members from the contested August 9th and October 25, 2015 elections.
The Internationals are using the sham votes to put in Haiti frauds they can use to neutralize the people power of the Haiti G8 and other relevant stakeholder coalitions who did not obey them but forced their revolting January 24 elections off-the rails to push Martelly's ouster. Key Haiti players like the G8 and others were not there, not invited and those Haitians who where present, were there because they would naturally agree to sit in the back row in their own country. (See the two local Haiti exit proposals for after Martelly and how to rule Haiti until proper elections, here and here.)
Haiti justice activists at the Ezili Network and the Free Haiti Movement join all concerned democratic voices to strongly protest against the provisional government being implemented with Martelly's prime minister and the illegally elected parliament that was installed by Martelly's fake elections.
" Blan Kolon te mete Marteli sou pouvwa. Se menm Djab saa yo ki fà ¨ manigà ¨t pou kite yon pelen pou Ti Pà ¨p la ak 'san elu yo' ki lan Palman a."
The invading OAS/UN/US and Core Criminals brought Martelly to power and shepherd him out, leaving behind the fraudulent parliamentary votes of Aug 9th and October 25th the people protested to destroy Haiti some more. See, La domination etrangà ¨re en Haiti.
" Bye bye Michel Martelly. Take all your legal bandits with you. And we're telling that thug Guy Philippe and the PHTK paramilitary buffoons wearing former military fatigues that "2016 is not 2004."
The UN troops have been raping and abusing Haiti children and women for 12 years. Brought in cholera that killed over 10,000 innocent Haitians. But it's now these cretins decide they're men and ready to go to war against, not the foreign goons hurting our women and children, but against unarmed Haitians protesting dictatorship and foreign oppression. For shame. " -- Èzili Dantà ², HLLN/Free Haiti.
Part of the next order of business is for an honest new electoral
council (CEP) to de-certify the fraudulently seated Opont Parliament,
evaluate all the votes for August 9th and October 25. See, Haiti illegal Parliament to carry forth US-EU International Crimes in Haiti.
Core Group criminals in Haiti did all they could to silence Haiti
voices for clean elections. The Core Criminals said "no" to a
provisional government and insisted on a January 24th run off that would
look like August 9 and October 15 where all the International criminals
declared were not fraudulent. The people protested, Jude Celestin
boycotted the sham and the people scored the January 22 indefinite
postponement of the fake elections.
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