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Media Spinning of Charlie Hebdo Killings Ignites Wave of Anti-Muslim Fury

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Donn Marten
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The Third Jihad
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The outpouring of support for anti-Muslim bigotry in the aftermath of last week's outrageous attack on French 'satirical' newspaper Charlie Hebdo is rife with the choking hypocrisy that has become commonplace in the post 9/11 world. The attack on the paper's Paris office and the murders of ten staff members as well as two police officers was a despicable act of violence but it was not an attack on free speech no matter how hard that the media sells the narrative. If officials are to be believed - lying is typically always their first if not only resort - then the attack was the work of radical Islamist extremists waging jihad against the west. Considering that Charlie Hebdo was a forum for so many vile and repulsive cartoons mocking the prophet Mohammed as well as portraying Muslims in the most insulting, stereotypical ways possible, that wouldn't be a reach. It would hardly be surprising that the paper would be targeted by such types because quite frankly, when you make a living out of baiting religious fanatics don't be surprised if one day they turn up on your doorstep.

While it is true that Charlie Hebdo also published repugnant imagery of other religions -- including Jesus Christ engaging in anal sex -- they were a minority among those ridiculing Muslims. The one inescapable fact is that Charlie Hebdo was a hate rag and a hypocritical one at that. A former writer was sent packing for "inciting racial hatred" after writing a column alleged to be critical of Jews. He was subsequently put on trial by that bastion of freedom that is France. So much for the all-inclusive mockery that the corrupt media has invoked as a smokescreen for the paper's blatant anti-Muslim agenda.

Julius Streicher, who was hanged with other Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg ran a fine little paper back in the day that was famous for publishing cartoons and editorials that mocked and denigrated a particular religion. Der Sturmer was instrumental in fomenting the climate of hatred that would lead to the state sponsored extermination of over 6 million Jews. Like Charlie Hebdo, Der Sturmer also mixed in cartoons that smeared Catholics and others to provide some 'balance' but the primary purpose was to dehumanize Jews, just as Charlie Hebdo does with Muslims. The French paper was just another propaganda arm of the powerful anti-Muslim hate network, a foreign counterpart to domestic American chop shops the likes of Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch, Pamela Geller's American Freedom Defense Initiative, Brigitte Gabriel's ACT! For America and David Horowitz's Front Page Magazine being but a few of the more widely known hate factories of which there are legion.

The massive rally in Paris on Sunday - hijacked by murderous scum the likes of Israel's megalomaniac leader Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu who stands to benefit the most from the calls for blood vengeance against Muslims - is a grim harbinger for the wave of hate and repression that is about to be unleashed. Netanyahu drew some criticism for his comments that the September 11, 2001 "terrorist" attacks were "good for Israel" and is already eagerly exploiting the Charlie Hebdo murders. The acceptance of the Palestinians by the International Criminal Court (ICC) didn't get much media play, being immediately swallowed by the Paris murders but Bibi and his stooges in the U.S. Congress will exact their pound of flesh soon enough. Avenging ten dead anti-Muslim propagandists and two cops will serve as their rallying cry.

The most troubling aspect of the Charlie Hebdo killings is the response, particularly in the American Homeland. The hysterical state-corporate media has been pushing all of the right buttons, especially at CNN which has turned itself into a propaganda arm of the Deep State elements that are itching for a global war on Muslims to compensate for flagging ratings. CNN has brought in the retired ultra-fascist Mike Rogers who used his position as boss of the House Intelligence Committee to defend the NSA and surveillance state and regularly took to the Sunday morning airwaves to peddle lies. Rogers churned out more whoppers than Burger King when the media still saw fit to report on the actions of heroic former government contractor turned NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. He regularly accused Snowden of being a Russian agent, but never bothered to offer any proof. He will be a natural fit at CNN now that he has a regular nationally televised pulpit to his lies preach from.

The fear is being ratcheted up over Charlie Hebdo and the neocons who effectively run U.S. foreign and domestic policy are using the Rahm Emanuel maxim of "never let a serious crisis go to waste" by using the incident to push for Draconian enhancements to the already choking national security state. It has come to this in America, the murder of a dozen people in a f*cking foreign country can be used as a mobilizing force to push the Clash of Civilizations. The star spangled sheep have been so conditioned now that it doesn't even take the destruction of skyscrapers to whip them up into an orgiastic blood frenzy.

The murders also nicely coincide with the beginning of the next iteration of the permanent political campaign that will culminate in the coronation of Barack Obama's successor in 2016. The Republicans assuredly will sink to new lows in fear-mongering and demagoguery over the Muslim phantom menace as they troll for the rubes. The Hillary Clinton led Democrats will match the rhetoric of their more overtly fascist counterparts blow for blow. That liberals are so eagerly signing up in the western war on Muslims with their "I am Charlie" proclamations and articles supporting "freedom" of the press shows that they are as easily duped as low-information conservatives. One of the most cherished "liberal" voices is that of HBO's virulently bigoted Bill Maher whose professed atheism is a cloak for his foaming at the mouth hatred of Muslims. Whether he is really an atheist or just plays one on television is a matter of speculation. So incessant has the brainwashing been, thanks to over a decade of post September 11, 2001 agitprop, that it is clear just how quickly that Muslims will be targeted if there happens to be some sort of "terrorist" attack that takes place on domestic soil.

The Charlie Hebdo attack is a tragedy on multiple fronts and there are many who will suffer as a result. The first tragedy is of course that of the actual victims whose lives were so brutally ended on that day and whatever they may have been guilty as far as agitation and promulgating hate they did not deserve that. The people of France are also victims and once their fear and outpouring of emotion over the murders dissipates they will soon see that it has provided renewed justification for a crackdown by authorities. French military troops are already being put on the streets - unsubstantiated reports of sleeper cell activation was reported - while the governments of Europe and the U.S. ponder additional enhancements to the imperial security state. Americans will also continue to lose as the Constitution will become even more detached from the government, money that could be better used domestically will be spent on more foreign interventions, domestic spying and a burgeoning security state beast that can never eat enough.

Lastly, the millions of Muslims who practice their religion and abhor violence will increasingly be targeted by restrictions on their freedom, invasion of their privacy and of course violence against themselves and their places of worship. When you have a powerful, connected, global media mogul like Rupert Murdoch whose immediate reaction to the Charlie Hebdo attacks was to launch a Tweet that called for holding all Muslims "responsible" for the actions of extremists it carries clout. Particularly to that particular American based demographic who rely solely on Fox News for their information and are already itching to lock and load over the percolating domestic problems of race in the aftermath of Ferguson and New York City. It is inevitable that official state crackdowns will be accompanied by pogroms given the level of poison that has been dumped into the mass media over the years.

While history always repeats - although never exactly - it is apparent that Muslims are well on the way to becoming the new Juden thanks to those who benefit by exploiting tragedy to serve their own ends.

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Donn Marten is a free lance writer and consultant who resides in West Central Florida.

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