Here Is the Man Who Organized and Ran Ukraine's February 22nd Coup in Kiev, and the May 2nd Massacre of Its Opponents in Odessa, for Barack Obama
Eric Zuesse
Dmitriy Yarosh is the founder and head of one of Ukraine's two racist-fascist, or nazi, parties, Right Sector. He is officially the #2 Ukrainian national-security official, working directly under Andreiy Paribuiy, who heads Ukraine's other nazi party (the party that used to call itself Ukraine's "Social Nationalist Party," after Hitler's National Socialist Party, but which the CIA renamed "Svoboda," meaning "Freedom," so as to make it more acceptable to Americans).
However, Yarosh has turned out to be Ukraine's actual leader, despite his not being officially at the top. His nominal boss, Paribuiy, had been appointed by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who was chosen on February 4th (18 days prior to the coup) to be Ukraine's new leader, by Victoria Nuland, who was appointed by Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, who were appointed by Barack Obama (the actual ruler of the new Ukraine).
As Yarosh said this past March in an interview with Newsweek, he has "been training paramilitary troops for almost 25 years," and his "divisions are constantly growing all over Ukraine, but over 10,000 people for sure." More recently, in October, a pro-Government Ukrainian site interviewed Yarosh and he mentioned specifically a "DUC," or Volunteer Ukrainian Corps of fighters. He was then asked "How many soldiers in DUC?" and he answered, "About seven thousand men." These would be his real military force, by far the biggest private army in Ukraine. So, in his private files are everyone's individual background and skill-level as a "paramilitary," or far-right mercenary, and they all respect and obey him as the top man. He is the indispensable person in this new Ukraine.
Yarosh's teams carry out the most violent operations for the CIA in Ukraine (including the coup). Since these are the people who actually specialize in this sort of political operation, Yarosh basically commands the country. Ukraine is now run on fear, and everyone fears Dmitriy Yarosh. Even Ukraine's other leaders fear him. He is sometimes shockingly public with his threats against even the nation's President. Yarosh is the only person who can afford to be.
Here you see Yarosh's people do the coup in Kiev in February. Here you see them do the massacre in Odessa in May. Notice how similar these two operations are. Yarosh's mind is actually on display in those operations. Yarosh is the person who gave the teams their instructions, and his followers carried these instructions out.
Here, in a news report, titled "Nazi NATO, but No War Crimes Tribunal? Why?" you can see photos, and can click onto youtube videos, of Dmitry Yarosh's people executing his carefully planned atrocities (some in broad daylight), during the May 2nd massacre, and (via the links within a linked-to news report), also executing the February 22nd coup. You'll additionally see there other such operations, carried out by Yarosh's teams.
Yarosh hires only proud far-right mercenaries, who are paid by him from U.S. Government agencies (for example, see this), and from U.S. oligarchs such as George Soros (via his International Renaissance Fund) and Pierre Omidyar -- people whose enormous wealth is matched by their intense hatred of Russians -- and are also paid directly and indirectly by Ukrainian oligarchs, especially by the one who (along with Arsen Avakov) actually masterminded the May 2nd massacre of Russian-oriented Ukrainians: that's the Obama White House's friend, the Ukrainian billionaire Ihor Kolomoysky. (Kolomoysky offered $5,000 for every confirmed corpse produced at the May 2nd massacre.)
The May 2nd massacre was done specifically in order to get the residents in Ukraine's pro-Russian southeast to fear this new Government so much as to refuse to be ruled by it. (Who wants to be ruled by people who are determined to kill you?) Until the massacre, those people didn't want full independence from the new Government; but, after it, they did. It's the reason for the massacre -- to get them to demand full independence. Their refusal to be ruled by these people who had massacred so barbarically in Odessa people who were like themselves, made practically everyone in the southeast into "separatists." This new Kiev Government could then call them "terrorists," and (with acceptance from suckers in the U.S. and Europe) go to war to eliminate them -- to make a free-fire zone of the entire area in which the people who had voted for the overthrown leader live. And that's what it has been since: a free-fire zone, in which the UN and the West passively accept, when they do not outright endorse, their extermination.
Obama needed to eliminate the people in the areas of Ukraine who had voted around 90% for the man he overthrew on February 22nd. (That's the area of the extermination.) Otherwise, Obama's coup wouldn't possess staying-power as a 'democracy'; it would't survive future nationwide Ukrainian elections if these areas of almost exclusively pro-Russian voters weren't ruthlessly destroyed. Those Ukrainian voters thus needed to be eliminated. They were doomed by Obama's coup-plan, and their doom was Obama's follow-through on his coup.
But, actually, both Right Sector and "Svoboda" had shared control over the 'democratic' "Maidan" demonstrations against the previous President, even prior to the coup that overthrew him. That person, Ukraine's final President to be elected in a nationwide vote, Viktor Yanukovych, did not know that the U.S. would go so nazi as that. The U.S. had hired both of these nazi groups, from the get-go. As TIME reported, on 4 February 2014 (ironically on the very same day when Victoria Nuland chose Arseniy Yatsenyuk to lead the post-coup Government), "Yarosh and another militant faction [Paribuiy's "Svoboda"], began a parallel set of negotiations over the weekend. On Monday, they claimed to be in direct talks with Ukraine's police forces to secure the release of jailed protesters, including members of Pravy Sektor [the Ukrainian name for Right Sector]. Mainstream opposition leaders said they had not authorized any such talks. [They were just America's suckers among the Maidan demonstrators, the people who thought that this was really about 'joining Western democracy.'] At the same time, Yarosh has demanded a seat at the negotiating table with the President [Yanukovych]. Once again, he was flatly denied. His ideology, it seems, is just too toxic to let him in the room." But it wasn't "too toxic" for Obama to place Yarosh into control over the new Ukraine. (Of course, once the deed was done, this was the last time when one heard in the U.S. about the reality of whom these men were. The myth about 'American democracy' needed to be sustained, and so the U.S. 'news' media stopped covering that news, and instead focused only on pumping the U.S. Administration's allegations against Russia, which is Obama's real target here.)
Dmitriy Yarosh is the indispensable person for such a crucial political task as the elimination of Yanukovych's voters -- and that's the reason why Yarosh now essentially rules Ukraine.
He says that the reason they need to be slaughtered is that they are "separatists" and "terrorists." But Yarosh himself had fought alongside Chechen Moslems in Russia for Chechnia's independence from Russia. He said that their battle is heroic. Bottom line on Yarosh is that what Jews were to Hitler, ethnic Russians, and all of Russia, are to him, and to the entire movement that he represents, which were Ukraine's Hitler-supporting organizations during World War II. This anti-Russian form of nazism doesn't go only back to the German Nazi Party; it's indigenous to northwestern Ukraine, which is why Ukraine has two native nazi parties, not merely one.
Here are Yarosh's people, marching.
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