Even the mainstream Associated Press is starting to tune into what will be the most massive infrastructure failure this country has ever faced. Meanwhile, all of the left wing pundits on these pages are so eternally distracted by politics as usual that they are missing the big picture. You are all fiddling the same tune while the Midwest is drowning.
The Heartland is under siege and as usual the left is ignoring the people who hold this country together.
There are now 33 levees in danger of breaching—up from 27 yesterday. New breaches and bridge and road closings are occurring by the hour and the pundits are worried about wasting time and energy on Bush and Cheney. What is the matter with all of you?
The great experiment of journalism on the internet is one big whopping failure as far as I can tell. Stop regurgitating intellectual crap about politics as usual and get on the stick and dig deep into the WHY of this story.
Did any of you go to journalism school? Who, what, where, when and why?
I’m mad and I’m not gonna take it anymore.
I will probably be fired from the masthead, but if it wakes someone up, just one person, I will say mission accomplished.