Below is a letter to livestock producers in Illinois asking them and others to contact the Governor's office to ask to be allowed to be present at a meeting between Homeland Security and the USDA which involves NAIS and "surge capacity" under Homeland Security to attack and seize and destroy - "depopulate" an area of - animals. This meeting is about what will be done TO THEM but they are shut out.
Many of you already know about Monsanto's "rural cleansing"" in southern Illinois of 200 - 400 farmers for using Steve Hixon as their seed cleaner. One is being sued for $400,000. Do the math. In 2006, Monsanto made $160,000,000 in this Mafia-like extortion.
Many of you already know that Monsanto was involved in the development of NAIS which, to me, appears to be the set up on the animal side, to do what Monsanto has done with seeds - eliminate normal animals and substitute genetically engineered animals. I've written about how Homeland Security is set to military type warrantless raids against farms to seize and destroy animals crops and equipment using "animal disease" as the excuse - no due process, no means of checking to see if any of the animals are fine, no way to stop the slaughter. I've also written how the USDA has already proved it operates this way.
Homeland Security is the centralization of power bequeathed to us by Bush's "War on Terror," something many believe was not based on an enemy attack at all. Amnesty International is calling for an elimination of laws that were passed under Bush's "War on Terror" justification. NSA-spying is one such abuse.
NAIS is NSA-spying on steroids - imagine paying for the equipment used to spy on you, yourself, having to keep it up, having to let the government know in advance of every move your animals make (a trail ride, for instance, your child bringing a pet chicken to school), and to have to file paperwork within 24 hours afterwards or face penalties so draconian, the second infraction if your chicken crosses the road and you fail to report it on time, is $500,000.
NAIS is backed up by Homeland Security. Both are connected to Monsanto and, as is typical of Monsanto, both are resulting in terror for farmers.
Food and Water Watch, the Organic Consumers Association, the Center for Food Safety, Public Citizen, the Campaign for Liberty, Amnesty International, the ACLU, and every farming, food, anti-GMO, animal rights, economic justice groups in this country must come together and with many other organizations, to need to demand NAIS be eliminated entirely. Homeland Security regulations are in place to provide the required destruction of normal animals and small farmers that Monsanto needs for taking over with genetically engineered and patented animals and making them the only option. This is happening in Asia already with poultry as small farmers are being destroyed for the benefit of multinationals. Biotech companies are ready now to replace all poultry in the world with their patented, thus privatized "bird flu-resistant" super chickens.
Homeland Security is the corporate muscle behind the take over of the US food supply. And the the liquidation of our farmers is long planned - by executives. Homeland Security must be stripped of warrantless, military, search-seize-destroy power over our small farmers and all of us.
So, in addition to this horrific meeting of the USDA (run by Vilsack, Monsanto's crony) and Homeland Security (also corrupted by Monsanto) to which no farmers are allowed though they are the targets, in southern Illinois, in a six county area, right now, hundreds of crop farmers are living in terror of what is going to happen to them, no longer speaking to neighbors, because Monsanto people lied to them and told them their neighbors turned them in or that Hixon did.
Meanwhile, the Speaker of the House in Illinois who just pushed through an ethics bill because of the lack of all ethical there, has a staff filled with Monsanto lobbyists.
This is Obama's state.
Why is Monsanto so comfortable taking over there? Because Obama overrode immense public objections and put in Vilsack, Monsanto's boy? It is time to make him responsible for his agencies and stop this assault on American farming. WHERE IS THE TRANSPARENCY OBAMA PROMISED? It is interesting that this closed - to those affected - meeting is occurring immediately after Vilsack (Monsanto) just promised transparency.
As you read this, realize that the people posting this out have been doing immense and difficult work now for years to stop NAIS, are fighting for their lives, battling agencies without our help, while being lied to, coerced, threatened, forced, and even involuntarily and/or without their knowledge being forced into NAIS and Premises ID.
Read this message to livestock producers in Illinois to get a sense of how totalitarian things have become and how shut out the public is from decisions that affect it directly and threaten its livelihoods and even existence.
All calls, emails and letters you can send to let the Governor of Illinois know how you feel about this outrage and to demand that the public be allowed into this meeting of two abominably corrupted agencies - the USDA and Homeland Security - would be appreciated. And if you are members of any of the organization listed above, please tell them you expect them to demand a complete halt to NAIS and to seek with as many organizations as possible, a criminal investigation into congressional and governmental agency corruption into USDA, FDA, EPA, and Homeland Security regulations that threaten the very existence of our REAL American farmers.
Every farmer and person in the entire country who has even a single farm animal - even a chicken or pet duck, is in trouble - and at a time of unemployment and impending food shortages when just a few chickens and a small goat could actually provide the protein needed for a family. DOA to hold International Homeland Security Training (livestock) in Wheaton, IL - livestock owners beware
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