Yesterday I again got a glossy flier in my mail box containing propaganda against I-522, Washington State's initiative to require GMO food labeling.
At the bottom of the flier, it says, "Top five contributors: Grocery Manufacturers Association, DuPont Pioneer, Dow AgroScience LLC, Monsanto Company, Bayer CropScience."
Top five contributors: Grocery Manufacturers Association, DuPont Pioneer, Dow AgroScience LLC, Monsanto Company, Bayer CropScience by The No on I522 Campaign
So far I have gotten no such fliers from the Yes on I-522 campaign.
The No on 522 campaign's website is The Yes campaign's website is
According to the AP and the Seattle-PI, "Five corporations and a trade group representing food manufacturers have largely financed efforts to defeat Initiative 522, raising $17.2 million so far, according to the latest campaign finance reports. Supporters including Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps and natural food companies have raised $4.7 million."
"In California last year, voters narrowly rejected a GMO-labeling measure after opponents mounted a $46 million defense [sic]. Proponents raised $9.2 million"
The flier contains an anti-I-522 quote by Ken Eikenberry. After the quote it identifies him as "Former Attorney General State of Washington" -- which is true, but Eikenberry was also former chair of the Washington State Republican Party.
Find out why Initiative 522 is not what it seems ... by The No on I522 Campaign
I-522 creates a costly new state bureaucracy and would mean higher grocery prices by The No on I522 Campaign
Meanwhile, the Tri-City Herald is reporting, in Farmer wants to protect growers from GMO seeds, that a farmer discovered that GMO alfalfa was somehow mixed in with his crop.