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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 12/24/15

My Response to Burl Hall's Article: A Healthy Planet Awaits Us If We Open Our Eyes

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Daniel Geery
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I saw Burl's article the other day, skimmed it, and knew I had to read it slower and process it better, hence emailed a link to myself at the time. I was also going to look at the links in the article in some detail as well.

However, when I re-read the article just now, I realized there was no need to look at the links; anyone halfway conscious knows these things (though the article is a great reminder). Also, what Burl says resonates 100% with my heart and soul, things I've long pondered and witnessed myself. If you haven't read Burl's wonderful piece, I can only recommend that you do. click here

I will quote the last paragraph here, even though I am not generally big on biblical quotes (though trust me, I use the ones I like when they're correct and apply to the issue at hand!):

As Christ says in the Gnostic "Gospel of Thomas," If you bring forth that which is within you, that which is within you will save you. If you do not bring forth that which is within you, that which is within you will kill you. No external god. You and we are what you and we are looking for.

I quote this not only because it is so true, but because it reminds me of a powerful scene from a movie my step-daughter had me watch a few weeks ago. Fortunately, I was able to find the scene I wanted and I do believe you won't be disappointed spending a few minutes watching it. I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions either, but this could well be an ideal one for all of us. The acting and script speak for themselves; if you like this scene you will certainly like the movie.

Brief intro: Samuel Jackson as Coach Carter gets handed a "down-in-the-gutter" group of kids who are supposedly on a football team. He gets tough and at one point quits, but the kids step up to get him back. One student in particular has been hounded by Coach Carter as to what his biggest fear is. Throughout the movie, the kid can't find an answer and goes silent when asked. Until now...

click here

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In my run for U.S. Senate against Utah's Orrin Hatch, I posted many progressive ideas and principles that I internalized over the years. I'm leaving that site up indefinitely, since it describes what I believe most members of our species truly (more...)

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