Dear Joan, This is our VERY LAST CHANCE to stop Stupak-Nelson anti-choice politics in the health-care debate. Right now, both the House and Senate versions of the bill include dangerous and unacceptable restrictions on abortion coverage. If we don't act immediately, women could face significant barriers to accessing abortion care in the new health system. This bill is not a done deal. Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid, and President Obama are playing key roles in these final days of the health-care debate. That's why we've set a goal of sending them 30,000 unequivocal messages from pro-choice Americans like you: Women should not lose ground in the new health-care system.
Just yesterday, Rep. Bart Stupak told The New York Times that he would stop at nothing to block the health-reform bill if it doesn't include his abortion-ban language.1 At the same time, a coalition of anti-choice groups announced new plans to pressure members of Congress to stick with the Stupak abortion-coverage ban.2 This is our last chance to get this done to make sure that anti-choice lawmakers and extremists don't get away with using this historic legislation to roll back our reproductive freedom. Thank you for your continued support in this fight. My best, Nancy Keenan President, NARAL Pro-Choice America 1"Democrat Wears Scorn as Medal in Abortion Fight," The New York Times, January 6, 2010 2"Abortion stops planned at Democratic offices,", January 7, 2010 |
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