NYC meeting on March 4th!
Save the Levers--Adopt Your Count!
We are really making progress now. Since the last email, Columbia and Ulster counties have joined Dutchess, passing resolutions to save our lever voting system! The Association of Towns (half of us live in towns in NYS) also passed a resolution to save the levers! Text of the resolutions are available at the blog We are hopeful some of our largest counties are about to pass resolutions as well.
1) If you live around NYC, please come out this Wednesday evening and show support at the NYCBoE.
New York City Board of Elections
Wed. March 4, 2009
42 Broadway 6 floor, Manhattan
The hearing starts at 6 pm - Please arrive between 5:30 and 5:45
Support those who will be speaking by your presence. Look for Teresa Hommel to get your personal "Keep the Levers" banner. (Please return the personal banner after the hearing, or donate $5 to pay for it).
2) If your county hasn't passed a resolution please adopt your county and try to make that happen. A letter to send to each of your county legislators to get you started is at the blog, You might want to add to the letter, asking who wants to be responsible for choosing to cut essential programs for hungry children, battered women or the elderly, just to be able to replace our superior and affordable voting system with budget-breaking computers that are notoriously corruptible and defective
"Since the passage of HAVA, Teresa Hommel has been a tireless leader in the fight for voter-marked paper ballots in New York as an alternative to direct recording electronic (DRE -- usually touch screen) voting machines that lack a reliable voter-verified paper trail. But in a Feb. 22nd essay published on her website,, entitled: Why Keep the Lever Voting Machines?, she comes to the conclusion that the state should keep its current manually operated voting system, rather than switch to a computerized paper ballot optical scan (PBOS) system.*
Why? In a nutshell, because it's too expensive to make the switch and do it right.
Hommel writes: "For nearly six years we have worked against improper use of computers in elections. ... We have said, "IF WE HAVE TO REPLACE OUR LEVER VOTING MACHINES, we should choose PBOS." At this time it appears that no DREs are likely to be certified or purchased in New York. It is very late in the process to say, "Stop! Let's not computerize at all!" But that is what we are saying."
Thank you,
Hope to see many of you Wednesday evening
Andi Novick
Andi Novick
Election Transparency Coalition,,