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Netanyahu on Tuesday, "There will be NO Palestinian State", on Thursday, "It just wasn't possible now"

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Dave Lefcourt
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint meeting of Congress in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday.
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

It never ceases to amaze what will emerge from the "mouth that roared", the just reelected prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

After stating unequivocally on the eve of Tuesday's elections in Israel, "There will be no establishment of a Palestinian state" on his watch, two days later he's "clarifying" it with, "It just wasn't possible now." The man has no shame.

As to his election day video warning of Arab citizens being bused to polling stations in "droves"-clearly a racist remark intended for his base of ultra, right religious Jews-that Israeli leftists wanting his defeat were driving Arabs to the polls was now, "I wasn't trying to suppress the votes of Arab citizens".

And of course all this "clarifying" by the prime minister of America, ah Israel, was given full coverage by who else the American corporate MSM. On MSNBC it was, "I haven't changed my policy, what has changed is the reality". On NPR, "I wasn't trying to block anyone from voting; I was trying to mobilize my own voters." On Faux News, "I've said, that the only path to a peace agreement is an agreement, a negotiated agreement; you can't impose it". Oh please, enough already!

The truth is what I maintained in my previous article [1]..." since its inception in 1948" Netanyahu now..."laid bare beyond a shadow of a doubt what all these 'negotiations' with any Palestinian entity all these years have been all about; a charade, nothing but a show, a farce revealing Israel never, ever entertained even the idea of a separate Palestinian state".

No one should be fooled by the dissembling "clarifications" by this most despicable man who the Israeli public reelected to power.

Israel, the prime minister, members of the Knesset and Israeli Jews can't keep invoking the memory of the Holocaust rejecting all criticism of Israel, its policies and actions as being anti-Semitic and hatred for all Jews.

It's wearing thin except for the majority in Congress and the evangelical Christian right in America waiting for the magical second coming of Christ that somehow connects to the present state of Israel.

The fact is Israel is an apartheid state and fast becoming the pariah state that was South Africa under its apartheid rule into the 1990's.

There is a BDS, "boycott, divestment and sanction" movement that focuses on products manufactured and distributed by Israeli firms in the occupied West Bank. Maybe this movement needs to expand and include the entirety of Israel.

Remember, "official" Washington supported South Africa's white, apartheid regime until it finally crumbled with the election of Nelson Mandela. And that was able to come about by the rest of the world putting unrelenting pressure, boycotting South African products and placing severe sanctions on the apartheid regime.

It appears that may need to be the actions taken by the world-excluding the US for Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian's in the West Bank while keeping Gaza and its citizens in an open air prison.

Who can forget the incredible scene last summer of Israeli's sitting in lounge chairs on the hills outside of Gaza whooping, hollering and cheering as the IDF was mercilessly bombing defenseless Palestinian's in Israel's brutal campaign that killed some 2000 mostly innocent people.

What kind of people are these? Not ones I respect.

[1] "No Establishment of a Palestinian State", by Dave Lefcourt, OPEDNEWS, March 17, 2015

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