Newt Gingrich, as a Washington insider, knows who to please in order to promote his political career. Top on the sycophant's list of who to please, as it is of virtually all of the politicians regardless of political party, is the powerful Israel lobby.
The very first act Newt would make as United States President is not to address homelessness, unemployment, bank corruption, etc. No, it would instead be to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to the international, but Israeli occupied, city of Jerusalem. This would help Newt win more Jewish support for his political career even though it is very likely to cause much more unrest and even new violence. It is also in direct violation of international law, in particular United Nations Resolution 478. (It's interesting to see the priorities of politicians in America. The last on their list of importance is the well-being of their voting cattle -- the American people! U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, from Florida, after winning his election went straight to Israel! For anyone with more than two braincells working it's very painfully obvious that the Jewish state of Israel takes great precedence over America and the American people in the minds and hearts of the U.S. politicians of both parties.)
The National Council of Young Israel last week praised Newt for openly saying the first thing he would do on the first day he was U.S. President would be to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. They quote Newt as saying, "Israel has every right as a sovereign free nation to choose its own capital and we should respect that choice. As President, on my first day in office, I would issue an executive order directing the U.S. embassy in Israel to be moved to Jerusalem as provided for in the legislation I introduced in Congress in 1995." One fact Newt and the neoconservative ignore is Jerusalem is not on Israeli land. I don't think Newt would like it if Mexico said they are moving their capital to Austin, Texas.
In March of this year Newt spoke to the thousands of members of John Hagee's Cornerstone Church which is owned by Israel firster and religious right icon John Hagee. Hagee instructs his followers to always and unconditionally support the Jewish state of Israel for reasons such as are found in Genesis 12:3 which says that God said, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." (This is the carrot and stick approach which is seen throughout the Bible.)
Hagee also uses numerous Bible teachings which makes it appear the founder of Israel was God, Himself. Hagee writes, "We support Israel because all other nations were created by an act of men, but Israel was created by an act of God! The Royal Land Grant that was given to Abraham and his seed through Isaac and Jacob with an everlasting and unconditional covenant." Mindless beliefs such as this are what causes endless wars and mass suffering. Of course, the religious right couldn't care less.
Newt and Hagee are going strongly against the man most people consider to be the Father of the United States of America, George Washington. Washington, not a Christian but a Deist, believed we should not show preferential treatment to any nation. He wrote, "My policy has been, and will continue to be, while I have the honor to remain in the administration of the government, to be upon friendly terms with, but independent of, all the nations of the earth. To share in the broils of none. To fulfill our own engagements. To supply the wants, and be carriers for them all: Being thoroughly convinced that it is our policy and interest to do so."
The root cause of U.S. politicians selling out the interests of America and Americans is the power Israel's lobby has over the political careers of politicians. John F. Kennedy had a way to correct this crime against the people and against progress.
In the thought provoking book, They Dare to Speak Out by Paul Findley we read on page 114 that during Kennedy's campaign for president in 1960 he had a meeting with some prominent Jews.
Kennedy was very insulted when one of the Jews said they knew Kennedy's campaign was in financial difficulty and that he and his Jewish friends would "help and help significantly" John Kennedy's campaign if, as president, Kennedy "would allow them to set the course of Middle East policy over the next four years."
It was this meeting that made John Kennedy want to work for a law that would have the U.S. Treasury pay a set and equal amount for all politicians running for president who secured a to be determined percentage of signatures of people supporting their campaign.
He saw this as the only way to prevent the nightmare of today, which has not only the President, but the overwhelming majority of people in Congress bought and paid for by the very powerful Israeli lobby.
Kennedy's excellent idea should be promoted by everyone who values true democracy. For maybe then, without the overbearing force of the Israel lobby controlling U.S. foreign policy for the Middle East, we can adopt a Middle East foreign policy that is, as Howard Dean wanted, balanced.