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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 11/23/11

Next for the Occupy Movement: Target and Drive Corporate Shills Out of Congress

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Michael Payne
Message Michael Payne



The Occupy Wall Street movement is approaching a critical crossroads; while it's gaining momentum it's time to expand its scope and clarify its objectives. It's time to use its growing power and go after the corporate shills in Congress, brand them as traitors to this democracy and come up with strategies to drive them out of this government.


This movement, the beginning of a people's revolution, has been very successful on Wall Street and around the nation but it cannot continue to confine its actions to street demonstrations and facing off against overly aggressive police who are waiting for any excuse to use their batons and pepper spray; if these demonstrations lapse into violence that could severely damage the movement and bring it down. It's time for new innovative thinking to take this great cause to a new level.


There is not the slightest doubt that Corporate America and its Wall Street subsidiary, with the aid of politicians in Washington, are the major reason why such a great inequality of wealth exists in this country. But don't expect to see this collusive combination change its    tactics and strategies based solely on pressure from street demonstrations. It's time for the members of this movement to take the fight directly to the command center of those who represent the wealthiest of Americans; it's time to focus their energy on those low grade politicians, the corporate shills in Congress, who have become no more than agents of the top 1%.


The movement needs to use an effective strategy to concentrate its growing power on those members of Congress who have shown by their actions that they are fully controlled by the corporate world. In thinking about the problems that this nation faces because of these gross inequalities it is my opinion that it can never be remedied unless this ongoing incestuous relationship between Congress and Corporate America is ended once and for all.


The worst offenders within both the Republican and Democratic Parties must be singled out as the primary targets to be expelled from the Congress by the power of the people's vote. It should be understood that this cannot be done overnight, that it will be an ongoing process but much can and should be done in preparation for the 2012 elections. This cannot be a scattershot effort; targets must be carefully chosen and aim taken against those who have the closest ties to corporations and wield the greatest power in Congress.


The Occupy Movement would need the help of seasoned organizers to help develop an effective plan and come up with funding to fuel the process. In turning the spotlight on the worst offenders, there is a wealth of damning evidence available on video clips and interviews documenting their complicity in promoting the agendas of the most powerful corporations in America.


These corrupted politicians, the ring leaders in the GOP, the Tea Partiers and many of the Blue Dog Democrats must be shamed, they must be labeled as the political slime that they are. As has often proven to be the case in these kinds of difficult situations, if the ringleaders can be purged, it strikes fear into the rest of the group and can cause them to change their ways.


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