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No Afghani Ever Attacked the US, UK, EU, Australia or Anywhere Else

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Jay Janson
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No Afghani Ever Attacked the US, yet Americans have been killing Afghanis in Afghanistan for eight years.

And back in 1979, President Carter attacked the women's liberating socialist Kabul government by secretly funding, arming and training fundamentalist hill tribes who were angry for not wanting their daughters in school. He did so upon the advice of his adviser Brzezinski in order to scare the Soviets into coming to the Kabul government's protection.

That no Afghani Ever Attacked the US is seemingly unimportant.

No Iraqi ever attacked the US. This also is irrelevant to Iraq having been bombed, invaded and occupied by the United States of America.

No Korean, no Vietnamese, no Laotian, no Cambodian, no Dominican, no Panamanian, no Cuban, no Grenadian ever attacked the US. This fact was of no importance as U.S. presidents ordered their countrymen attacked, their nations invaded.

No Pakistani, no Somali has ever attacked the U.S. This fact is unrelated to present U.S. Predator Hellfire missile bombings.

Saudi Arabians attacked the U.S. on 9/11/01 and various times before. This is of little importance and has not endangered Saudi population in Saudi Arabia from U.S. attack in the least.

Two United Arab Emiratis, one Egyptian and one Lebanese also attacked the U.S. on 9/11, masterminded by a Kuwaiti, and two Palestinians, and an Egyptian, a Kuwaiti citizen, (along with two U.S. citizens) attacked the World Trade Center eight years earlier. Deadly attacks on U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the bombing of the U.S. Destroyer Cole were linked to local members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Saudi, Osama bin Laden.

But like Saudi Arabians, Egyptians, Kuwaiti, Palestinians and Lebanese are in no danger of U.S. attack. Governments of these countries accept U.S. hegemony and leadership in world affairs.

No Latin Americans and no Africans have ever attacked the U.S. except for Puerto Ricans once shooting up the U.S. Congress. This has not saved more than three dozen nations from overt or covert CIA attack since the end of World War Two.

Leading into and during W.W.II, it was Hitler that attacked peaceful populations, but not until U.S. bankers and industrialists had made great fortunes investing in Germany's rearmament. Even greater profits were made from the war and from the destruction the military-enabled fascists were able to unleash upon the world. (Even more important for the capitalist system was Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union).

The list of populations Nazi Germany attacked and invaded unprovoked, namely those of Austria, Poland, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Romania, Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Greece, Serbia, Crete, Estonia, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, England, and United States, is mind-boggling, but still shorter than the list of populations suffering U.S. attacks after W.W.II, if one counts covert CIA attacks and its funding of civil wars, as not many former colonial nations have been spared. Also, some U.S. occupation wars have lasted much longer.

The United States has attributed most of these attacks on vulnerable populations as simply part of the Cold War with the USSR. (But while America tended to feel forced to support colonialism and neo-colonialism, the Soviets, severe resentments awakened within its own subjected nationalities in Europe notwithstanding, in the Third World, were largely backing independence and economic liberation from predatory capitalism).

American military personnel killing Afghanis in Afghanistan have been told they are killing Afghanis to prevent another 9/ll being organized in their country. No one seems to recollect that al Qaeda was once funded by Washington, never existed solely in Afghanistan, and now operates with similar organizations in a great many other countries.

Americans have learned from the British, who in the long history of its Empire, attacked and occupied more innocent populations than America and Germany combined. The British taught the Americans and Germans to be preposterous and treat any local inhabitant resisting an attack, invasion or occupation as a terrorist, and not as a patriot defending his homeland.

A case in point is the court ordered release after a seven years imprisonment at the U.S. Guantanamo facility in Cuba, of a young Afghani arrested when still legally a child for throwing a grenade at American soldiers invading his country.

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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Dissident (more...)

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