I am truly disappointed in an American nation which supposedly has
a love affair with their cats and dogs, but who are either blissfully unawares
of what is happening to millions of innocent cats and dogs in China - or
whose love of cats and dogs are limited to only their own.
If we are ignorant re the horrific skinning alive of both cats and dogs in China, then I am disappointed in ALL the animal rights organizations who did nothing or little to educate their members re this horrible carnage that goes on continuously in some parts of China. Every year we make it a point to show pictures of the terrible seal carnage in Canada - why not this Chinese cruelty?
Anyone interested in seeing a video re this horror, please go to the internet
and type in "CHINESE FUR FARMS." This video shows the terrible treatment
involved in the skinning of dogs which I believe are called raccoon dogs. Other farms also skin alive cats as well. Their reasoning for skinning them alive defies common sense and certainly compassion. The numbers are estimated in the millions, but for those who are incredulous - how about hundreds of thousands? Does that make it less of a tragedy?
Can't the animal organizations ever take on one common concern -even though each has his own? This would have been the best time to make China realize that we don't want to watch their Olympics if they are so cruel to their animals --let alone their having a poor record re human rights as well. No fear that the Olympics would not go on. There will always be plenty of people who aren't terribly concerned about animal suffering.
To Congress' credit they have tried to stop the importation of fur-trimmed trinkets made from cat and dog fur, but as always -unintentionally, they missed some loop holes which I believe they are trying to address. I wish they could have gone further and said - We don't want your cruel products-period. But "thanx" to NAFTA, I wonder just how much say we have in this regard if at all.
But as for the rest of people like myself who have at least watched a portion of the horrific video, no way are we going to watch the Olympics. If you want to consider me unpatriotic, be my guest. I will always choose compassion before patriotism. Are you "brave" enough to watch at least a portion of the video? Do it for the cats and dogs you say you love.