MaryMacElveen BP says won't deploy small dome until next week: In comments to this tragedy, I do not see anyone mocking Al Gore less than 5 seconds ago via web
Perhaps had the Supreme Court stayed out of the 2000 presidential race, this tragedy would not have occurred.
MaryMacElveen Please read Al Gore's column "The Crisis Comes Ashore": where he speaks out on the Gulf disaster. less than 5 seconds ago via web
To those that believe that Bush and Cheney kept this nation safer, just look at what their oil policies did to this country. Wars, then the greatest oil spill in this nation's history. This tragedy will take generations to clean up. Besides killing innocent animals it will devastate not only local economies, but the countries as a whole. The Supreme Court thugs who took our election away are responsible for this catastrophe. I still remember the saying that "No irreparable harm should come to George W. Bush" in the Bush V. Gore decision, well, look at the harm his administration caused this nation through this oil volcano.
Who are the terrorists now? BP, Transocean and Halliburton are the terrorists. The ironic and maddening thing I find in all of this is that these terrorists have lawyered up, have the ear of congress and to some extent the president through their lobbyists. How I wish that the Patriot Acts which are still the law of the land could be used against these corporations.
Our battle cry should be, "Regulate, baby, regulate and prosecute, baby, prosecute!"
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