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Non-profit offers $100k reward for info tying Rove to election rigging

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Message John Wells

A non-profit organization has offered a $100,000 reward to anyone who can supply information tying Republican strategist Karl Rove and computer expert Michael Connell to illegally manipulated elections, according to a Friday press release.

The group is called Velvet Revolution and is looking for evidence of criminal activity and Connell's relationship with Rove.

Citing testimony from another technology expert named Stephen Spoonamore, Velvet Revolution accuses the Republican Party of rigging elections for years by using Connell to exploit electronic voting systems.

Spoonamore filed an affidavit warning that the coming presidential election will be stolen by the GOP unless it is exposed. A colleague of Connell, Spoonamore gives evidence explaining Connell's involvement with past election rigging.

"Mr. Connell is a devout Catholic," Spoonamore wrote. "He has admitted to me that in his zeal to 'save the unborn' he may have helped others who have compromised elections."

The statement by Spoonamore also ridicules the Diebold voting system as "riddled with exploitable errors." The system was created by Diebold Election Systems Inc. and has been used in several elections accused of illegal meddling.
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Just a fellow news researcher. I often find it hard not to be buried in the spin. So I figured I would share some articles that wont receive any attention.
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