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Not Demanding Prosecution Facilitates Further US-NATO Genocide

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Jay Janson
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protests meant to bring down the elected governmentOwner: Faabio Téllez
protests meant to bring down the elected governmentOwner: Faabio Téllez
(Image by Fabio Téllez)
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Photo: Protests meant to bring down elected government

If Mankind Is To Survive It Must Prosecute US NATO Genocide

Sooner or later, leaders in nations cleverly slandered by a monopolized media and brutally attacked by USA covert violence and murderous interventions will defeat this evil by quoting to the world the outraged words of famous Americans who bravely condemned their nation's many atrocities -- the most recent three of whom were shot to death.

Since Martin Luther King was assassinated, no one calls for justice for the tens of millions of US-NATO victims. This will change, and the US media war machine will falter once disabled by world awareness of King's long-suppressed condemnations of his countrymen's crimes against humanity
and condemnations by other America heroes. For this is the era of personal availability of lightning-fast information-corrective technology. Access to reality will make mankind free of the absurd media psyop manipulation that is presently destroying us.

Martin Luther King Jr.: "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world is my own government running atrocity wars and covert violence on three continents -- since 1945!"[1] (Shot to death within a year.)

Malcolm X: "The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent because they control the minds of the masses. You show me a capitalist, and I'll show you a bloodsucker." (Shot to death at age 40.) 

Fred Hampton [2]: "I believe I'm going to die doing the things I was born to do. You can kill a revolutionary but you can never kill the revolution. Peace to you, if you're willing to fight for it." (Shot to death at age 21 while sleeping in his apartment by a tactical unit of County and State's Attorney's Office in conjunction with the Chicago Police Department and the FBI.)

W. E. B. Debois [3]: "From my 30th year on, I have increasingly regarded the church as an institution which defended such evils as slavery, color caste, exploitation of labor, and war. I think the greatest gift of the Soviet Union to modern civilization was the dethronement of the clergy and the refusal to let religion be taught in the public schools."[4] (Died in Ghana, Africa at age 95.) 

Eugene Debs [5]: "The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. I am for Socialism because I am for humanity. We have been cursed with the reign of gold long enough -- Socialists were not born yesterday." (Spent 10 years in federal prison for urging refusal of the draft.)

Helen Keller[6]: "The country is governed for the richest, for the corporations, the bankers, the land speculators, and for the exploiters of labor. Congress is not preparing to defend the people of the United States. It is planning to protect the capital of American speculators and investors in Mexico, South America, China, and the Philippine Islands. Incidentally this preparation will benefit the manufacturers of munitions and war machines. Our flourishing industry in implements of murder is filling the vaults of New York's banks with gold. Every modern war has had its root in exploitation." [7]

Mark Twain: "Our [USA's] uniformed assassins!  Many ghastly additions to our [USA] history is the torturing of Filipinos by the awful water cure.  [8] And as for the flag for the Philippine Province, we can have just our usual flag, with the white stripes painted black and the stars replaced by the skull and cross-bones". [9]

Abraham Lincoln: "I tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow and the money power of the country will endeavor and prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated into a few hands and the republic is destroyed. [10] (Thought to have been assassinated for business interests.)

It seems inevitable that leaders of nations under US attack will come to realize that they have been tacitly cooperating with the US-NATO imperialist mortal enemies by allowing the exploited and decimated non-Caucasian 6/7ths of mankind to forget the incredibly numerous indefensible and prosecutable US-NATO genocidal crimes against humanity that cry out for prosecution and for justice for their tens of millions of victims.

Focused on the immediate plight of their own people, these leaders have permitted Western media to distract attention away from each stage of this continuing USA holocaust as an unimportant and 'past is past.' Concerned with present danger to their citizens they seem unaware of the crippling effect world attention to similar past US covert, sponsored violence would have on the program of US media deception that represents the greatest threat to their ability to defend themselves. But it would not be so difficult to remind the world of American use of al Qaeda to kill and destroy as it did in prosperous Libya and is doing in Syria; remind the of the many overthrows of popular governments in Honduras, Libya, Haiti, Nicaragua, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran, Congo, Guatemala, El Salvador,  and Greece.

The leaders of nations attacked have failed for too long to call for US-NATO prosecution under Nuremberg Principles law and failed to keep alive the memory of the many genocides the USA, assisted by other now neocolonial powers, has brought down upon the innocent peoples of Iraq, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Guatemala, and Congo, and mass-murder through bombing and invading of the Dominican Republic, Grenada, and Libya, and a twelve-year occupation war in Afghanistan.

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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Dissident (more...)

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