We must with vigilance continue to monitor what the right-wing of the Republican Party has to say and the minions who spout their ignorant-crap for a lack of a better term to define it.
Yes, I am speaking of Ann Coulter after reading this article on Townhall.com. It was vile and lacked any substance and sustenance for these United States of America. Coulter must wrap her brain (if she has one) around the fact that she and her ilk lost on Election Day and thank God for that.
If this past Election Day taught us anything is that America finally wanted and craved a high-minded intellectual residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The world’s reaction to our new president to be was refreshing considering the fact how this present one has been mocked and ridiculed time-and-time again during these past eight years.
In this blistering defeat, those like Coulter are acting like petulant children who did not get their way and thank God they did not. It is as if she is threw herself to the floor throwing a tantrum. It is up to all of us to send her and others just like her to their corner for an extended time-out.
In calling Colin Powell a “loser” for his endorsement of President-elect, Barack Obama, it shows her lack of intellect. This is exactly what Americans rejected in this past election. We craved more than what the right-wing of the Republican Party was offering us. Ann Coulter, must take a good look in the mirror to see exactly who the loser is at this moment in time. But, she wont. She will continue to angrily type at her key board and appear on any show that will have her so that she can to continue an old bellicose message filled with deceit. My message to these shows is to consider Coulter persona-non-grata. We have important issues to delve into and more importantly solve.
In his speech to the nation the other night, President-elect, Barack Obama even realized that the government cannot solve all of our problems. This should be seen by the media as a golden opportunity and get back to what they are supposed to do and that is to inform people. Instead of presenting miscreants like Coulter, present to the American people high-minded intellectuals that can help solve the problems we are all facing.
To the Republican Party if there is any lesson to be learned in all of this and for you to rebuild your party, you must replace minions like Coulter with high-minded intellectuals. Yes, intelligence does matter. This vitriol of hate is exactly why you went down in flames. Quite frankly you offered the electorate nothing during the presidential campaign.
While most Americans huddled around their kitchen tables frightened to death on how to pay this bill or that, the right-wing of the Republican Party gave us Bill Ayers as cited in Coulter’s article. Those gathered at that kitchen table gave the GOP their answer back by giving folks like Palin and Coulter a sound spanking.
In listening to several broadcast spots on MSNBC yesterday, they discussed who will be the leaders of the Republican Party and one name was floated and it was Mitt Romney. I shuddered in total disbelief for this one reason. At the Republican National convention he demonized liberals and did not give us one reason as to why we should elect any Republican let alone John McCain and Sarah Palin.
While the introduction of Sarah Palin at their convention gave them a boost in the polls, it was the defining moment that they were not about to delve into the issues. After all, Rick Davis did say, “This election is not about the issues” No wonder they lost and it clearly showed to all of us that their campaign would be one of distractions and divisions. Anyone thinking of running for office from the Republican Party should steer clear of Davis.
If the right-wing media such as Fox News is to learn anything, it can be found in these words, “The CEOs of cable news outlets and the mainstream media should begin the healing process by giving pink slips to all the hate-mongers they have on their payrolls.” They were expressed by Bill Corcoran in a letter to the editor at the Chicago Sun Times. Corcoran through his blog has spoken out on so many critical issues pertinent to this republic.
To the Republican Party, one of the most important reasons why you lost on Election Day is this simple fact; you have relied too heavily on hateful messages and in fact insane messages coming from folks like Coulter and Limbaugh. While their messages feeds the base their red-meat, for the rest of us, we were starving for any substantive campaign coming from John McCain and Sarah Palin. Thankfully we were nourished by our new President-elect, Barack Obama and Vice President-elect, Joe Biden.
As some discuss whether or not Palin will be a viable and relevant candidate for the 2012 Republican ticket, we as Americans must not forget how she stoked the fires of hate and divisiveness in this campaign. She became the domestic terrorist she claimed that President-elect, Barack Obama was and where her words could have had dire consequences to this republic. We as a republic cannot go back to that darkened abyss, but move on.
Author’s email address is, xmjmac@optonline.net