The present National Security State, President Barak Obama, favors the first person pronoun plural, ˜we' or ˜America' or ˜Americans,' when rationalizing his intensifying the bloody occupation of Afghanistan as a "war of necessity, and dictating foreign policies that emphasize the use of overwhelmingly and terrifying lethal military action like Predator drones hanging in the air over the Pashtun population of two countries ready to fire deadly Hellfire missiles
"At Least 90 Killed In US Attack
Stench of Death Hangs over Afghan Riverbank
"The stench of burnt flesh hung over the banks of the Kunduz river in the early hours of Friday, the ground scattered with the body parts of villagers ...
click here
"Bush mass-murderer! shouted the U.S. peace movement which imperialist media has now successfully anesthetized by selling America a top Harvard graduate black man-of-the-people as savior.
One doesn't hear anyone crying ˜Obama mass-murder!' (yet).
But what is the difference between the orders of the present Commander-in-Chief and those of his predecessor? The same Secretary of Defense (read secretary of wars) ostensibly carries out presidential orders, or tells his president what orders to give. More gung-ho Generals prosecute a war of senseless occupation of a country not one of whose citizens ever attacked America. See Sept. 2, 2009 OEN published article:
No Afghani Ever Attacked the US, UK, EU, Australia or Anywhere Else
click here
If not Obama's fault, whose fault is this massacre?
- The U.S. airmen?
- The German NATO officer who called in the American strike?
- The targeted Afghanis fighting their countries invaders as they have always done, as they did fighting the Soviets who invaded in support of a socialist Kabul government?
- Jimmy Carter, who sought to provoke the Soviets and began this whole 30 year sordid homicidal story by secretly funding, arming and training fundamentalist hill tribes who did not want their women liberated?
- Ronald Reagan who gave support to the Taliban and al Qaeda?
- Bush II who invaded an entire country because its leaders would not do something the U.S. government demanded done without question, namely, arrest and extradite one man, Osama bin-Laden?
- Or Barak Obama who has sent more troops into Afghanistan and orders drone attacks on Pakistani Taliban and Pashtun tribes who don't accept Pakistan government suzerainty over their traditionally free tribal areas?
For the imperialist media build up of this new Commander-in-Chief, we are unable to castigate America's first black president by blaming him for yet another large massacre, but can we at least call him stupid? For he is following the immoral deeds of his predecessor, and even upping the ante. Can we call him a betrayer of the public trust of a nation tired of war. Can we suspect him of being less than truthful about why the West wants to permanently occupy or control both Afghanistan and Iraq?
And are we allowed to hate? Is it okay for us to hate this continual slaughter of people in nations of the Third World by the world's single superpower bully. Wouldn't a solid amount of hate begin to have some use?
"We hate all Americans. We hate you from the bottom of our souls, said a well known Pakistani journalist to the face an Obama appointed foreign public relations officer.
When are Americans going to stop listening to the fatuous praise from the war promoting conglomerate owned everywhere intrusive entertainment/news media cartel. When are Americans going to start counting up the millions perhaps billions of earthlings who tremble, or are mentally distressed, or are angry at the sight of the Stars and Stripes.