(Article changed on June 3, 2013 at 16:54)

Nuremberg Trials Nuremberg Trials: looking down on the defendants' dock. Ca. 194
(Image by by Ca 194) Details DMCA
David Swanson, widely read writer of the blog War Is A Crime.org, who, along with almost every serious antiwar journalist and organization, endorses the King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign, http://kingcondemneduswars.blogspot.com a few days ago wrote a short article entitled:
U.S. Presidents should be prosecuted for war crimes and military aggressions
Overseas readers, especially in nations nations bombed, invaded and murderously occupied by America and Americans will sense or suspect a "fall guy' trick, for the title scratches the surface American guilt for the crimes against humanity of the United States over at least sixty-three years - if not before WW II as well.
- the profiting investors in war whose funding put that war-ordering president in elected office, who funded his reelection, to whom the president is beholden to and follows the war needs of the speculative investment banking elite that chose him in the first place;
- those working in the media who convinced the American public that the crimes of the president were justified and necessary;
- the leaders of organized clergy at all levels that okay-ed homicidal, often genocidal, crimes against humanity and blessed Americans shipping out to commit them (and blessed their corpses upon return;
- the Americans who signed up for military service accepting that they would be sent to kill poor people in their own beloved countries overseas and then while following criminal orders to kill and maim, did not conscientiously object as was right, nor report criminal orders to superiors as was their duty;
- the hundreds of millions Americans who watched videos of the homicidal crimes on TV and approved or disapproved before losing interest and returning to enjoying their day; who paid their taxes without even speaking up and against their use for mass murder in the name of some absurd reason that with the slightest investigation would have been understood to be a criminal falsehood; or,
- the 'peace organizations' composed of veterans, many of whom personally carried out these crimes against humanity, and many many more who participated make them possible in two or three dozen poor and vulnerable nations, even now while looking like reformed good guys protesting government policies, not crimes against humanity, and to this day, after dozens of illegal unconstitutional and criminal wars upon bad guys in other peoples countries, refuse to call for the prosecution of the these crimes against humanity of their nation?
David Swanson is a fine writer and well educated. He holds a Master Degree in Philosophy from the University of Virginia. He must be aware of how the Nuremberg Trials were a whitewash of the all the American major corporations and banks that invested in building a prostate low-wage Germany up to #1 military power in collaboration with Nazi industrialists knowing full well of Hitler's plans for Jews, but also pleased of what Hitler's plans were for communists and the Soviet Union. In the film Judgement at Nuremberg staring Spencer Tracy and Burt Lancaster, the Nazi lawyer in his summation, makes it astoundingly clear, as if it was not already, that all these businessmen who made WW II and the Holocaust possible were more guilty than the generals and five media personalities on trial. Profits from WW II made America a superpower:
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