President Barack Obama's unrelenting warrior spirit and paranoia over leaks of any kind raise this question: Has he become as embarrassing as George W. Bush?
One of the media myths about Ronald Reagan was that he made us feel better about our country. That's such trash. I don't need anybody to make me feel good about my country and fellow citizens. Like tens of millions of others, I can do that on my own based on what I see every day. The vast majority of people of this country are terrific. Unfortunately, thanks to the influence of big money and sketchy elections, the leaders suck.
my attitude toward the country is uninfluenced by political leaders, I
admit that every now and then I feel embarrassed to have the latest
charade as president of the United States. I thought that George W. Bush
would hold the embarrassment title forever; have his jersey hoisted
into the rafters of the big political field house as the all time
embarrassment. He could barely speak. He strung sentences together that
were often unrelated. He had his own dyslexicon that showed his Freudian slips on a regular basis.
Worse still, Bush failed to protect nation on 9/11 despite a ton of excellent intelligence. Then, to cover his unbelievable command failure, he launched the catastrophic invasion and occupation of Iraq. There's much more, of course. He let Wall Street become a big casino that transferred wealth to the rich from the middle class at a record pace. On and on. The man was a disaster. Even though he stole two elections, I'd get an uneasy feeling with him as " hard to say " my president.
We have a new contender. President Barack Obama pulled off the scam of the new millennium when he convinced people that he was a refreshing change from Bush. He was the liberal minded, highly intelligent, polished alternative to the years of Bush disasters. Things would be different (unless you knew what appointing Tim Geithner as Treasury Secretary meant).
Wall Street got more bailouts. Instead of facing charges, the fat cats took bonuses as the economy collapsed. Unemployment soared, businesses failed, and foreclosures reached epic proportions.
What did Obama do? He rammed through a health care bill that has a few nice features. It also represents a bailout for health insurance and drug companies that will now have their outrageous price increases subsidized by the government (i.e., us). Real job numbers are still in the disaster zone.
Obama catches up to Bush
Obama's wars have been by proxy. He had NATO front for him in the Libyan massacre. That intervention cost countless lives and impoverished the Libya. To win that war, the United States (through NATO) backed a Libyan group that had aligned itself with Al Qaeda.
The same formula applies in Syria. Even though that nation wasn't attacking or threatening us, we're violating the Nuremberg Principles (VI, a, i, ii) by aiding in the invasion and destruction of that nation. And guess who is on our side once again? Al Qaeda fighters who somehow got into the country to evict the elected ruler of that country. It's like a mob hit. The boss tells a guy to get out of his territory. The guy says no. So the boss sends some thugs to messes up the guy's place in a big way and kill a bunch of people just to make the point.
Libya and Syria won't match Iraq for deaths, injuries and total destruction. The machinations behind those efforts do equal or exceed the lies and viciousness before and during the Iraq invasion. To paraphrase a great man, at long last has the Obama administration lost all sense of common decency?
The president equaled Bush's embarrassment quotient with two recent revelations on secrecy. Edward Snowden blew a big whistle on administration spying on we the people. The so-called liberal apologists for Obama can't disappear this one, not now, not ever. As part of Snowden's revelations, SpiegelOnline just released a story about administration tapping of European Union allies - Germany, France, the UK, etc.
In addition, the McClatchy Washington Bureau broke a very disturbing story last week on an Obama program called the Insider Threat Program. Anyone revealing information designated secret or, in some cases, unclassified information, will be subject to a felony charge.
The very ugly wars of devastation against Libya and Syria plus the massive paranoia exhibited in the Snowden affair and the revelations of the Insider Threat Program make President Barrack H. Obama every bit as embarrassing as his predecessor.
Obama, Congress, and the United States Supreme Court represent the trifecta of political disaster.