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Obamination and Boehneria

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Mark Sashine
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Two words will be added to  the Merriam - Webster dictionary after  the July 25, 2011 Obama/Boehner  public performance:


1. Obamination:  A desperate behavior of the person formally in power but incapable  to make decisions. A cry for help from a person lost. A demonstration of the deeply troubled soul  of   a man who knows  he is doing it all wrong but who is  a spiritual coward and cannot  help himself.


Synonyms: moral cowardice, helplessness, self-betrayal,  deliberate madness, total moral self-destruction.



2. Boehneria- a cynical  blackmail of  any situation, particularly  with respect to the  country's legislature in order to achieve shallow, low and private goals. An exercise of blatant  lying  in the effort  to make harm to your own country and its people. Deliberate and calculated malice.


Synonyms: treason.



I  am sure there will be more words like that in the Merriam- Webster pretty soon.  T'is the season of unbelievable   becoming real.




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The writer is 67 years old, semi- retired engineer, PhD, PE. I write fiction on a regular basis and I am also 10 years on OEN.

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