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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 12/27/13

Occupy Tel Aviv: Fake "Eviction Decree"/ "Demolition Decree" process

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Joseph Zernik
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Municipality-related persons distributed flyers, unsigned, and issued by no named individual, citing no reference in the law, which were misrepresented as "Eviction Decrees", or "Demolition Decrees", and also reported as such by media.   

The same persons conducted registration of people living in the park, searched their dwellings with no warrants, and pretended to run sham inspections of the structures, pursuant to  sham regulations:  Everything has to be easily collapsible, door frames are OK, but doors are prohibited... 
Deprivation of shelter in the middle of the winter, through a sham, arbitrary, and capricious process, with no legal foundation, using fraud and extortion through the threat of unlawful use of force.  

Law enforcement implants, who had lived in the camp for over a year and a half, including violent former police officers, who were convicted and served long prison terms on violent crimes, abruptly left the camp only a few days ago.  

The only limited, one-point electric connection in the park is intermittent.
  The municipality also continues a policy of turning the camp into a health hazard, by denying regular cleaning, garbage collection, and public-toilets services that are part of the routine maintenance of the park.  Actions of a rogue municipality.   

Government policies in the years since the Rabin assassination have caused a steady increase in homelessness and poverty, and have created within a decade income and asset distributions, which according to an international report do not fit a nation under "democratic regime".    

With it, the treatment of homeless persons in the public space remains an unresolved issue. Therefore, today's actions by Tel Aviv Municipality should also be seen as an attempt to establish a legal precedent through blatantly unlawful threat of force.  

With its use of  sham legal public records and false reporting of such records by media, the case also reflects the epidemic of corruption in the justice system in the State of Israel over the past decade.  As is the case in the United States, corruption of the courts and the legal profession is central to the current socio-economic crisis.

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An outdoor "cafe'", which consists of a small campfire and a fallen tree trunk to sit on: a) Before, "FAILED" the false inspection; b) After, "PASSED".


Occupy Tel Aviv, December 24 - People appeared in the camp this morning who were not identified by name or authority, and distributed flyers on the letterhead of Tel Aviv Municipality, which were unsigned, were not issued by any named individual or identifiable authority, with no law or regulations cited as reference for their foundation.  The flyers were misrepresented as "Eviction Decrees" or "Demolition Decrees", and were reported as such by major media outlets in Israel. 

The flyers in part say:

2. You are requested to remove the hut/permanent structure that was erected in the park area no later than January 14, 2014.

3. If instant request is not fulfilled, the Municipality will be forced to remove such structures itself.

The camp, about 1.5 years old, held about 100 people until a major rain storm a couple of weeks ago. The core are social protest people, mixed with the homeless as well as physically and mentally handicapped persons. 

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