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OccupyTLV: Breaking interview with Channel1 News, Israel Broadcasting Service, this morning!

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Joseph Zernik
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They like photogenic misery, inarticulate is OK, but dumb is best...

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OccupyTLV, January 7 - this morning, I was standing in the rain (what is considered here a major winter storm) and fixing the walls of my tent. A TV cameraman and a reporter from Channel1 News, Israel Broadcasting Service, appeared.
They asked: May we videotape?
I said: You are most welcome.
I went on working, and talked about corruption of the justice system in Israel - whistle-blower Rafi Rotem. murder convict Roman Zadorov, large-scale, systemic fraud in the debtors' courts, the resignation yesterday of the Knesset's (parliament) Chairman of the Judiciary Committee David Rotem (professor of constitutional law at Bar Ilan - a religious national university) in the midst of a large corruption investigation, which passed as a non-event ...
The reporter said to me: Please don't talk, just work. It'll be too much work to edit it out...
I said: Look, I've been interviewed by Israeli media many times, and it's clear to me that you'd never broadcast a word I say. But asking me to shut up is a bit much...
Media and Protest, Israel 2015: They like photogenic misery, inarticulate is OK, but dumb is best...

[1] 2014-11-09 Ombudsman refuses to accept whistle-blower complaint against PM Netanyahu - smuggling, murder of a "source-- | OpEdNews.com
[2] Roman Zadorov -- Israeli murder convict -- collection of records and reports
[3] Israeli Debtors' Courts -- collection of records and reports
[4] 2015-01-06 MK David Rotem Quits Yisrael Beytenu, Arutz7

(Article changed on January 7, 2015 at 13:49)

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Dr Zernik's core research pertains to e-government and its significance for Human Rights and Civil Society.

His work won appreciation in Israel and abroad: * Prof Uzzi Ornan - "All power to you! I hope that you see your tremendous efforts (more...)
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