Oil Kills the World. Melanoma spreads across The Gulf of Mexico. By Chris Landau (geologist)
Oil Blowout from Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig and ruptured pressurized oil pipelines power ongoing widespread oil pollution proliferation across the Gulf of Mexico.
Legislate for 50 % of oil company profits to go into renewable energy.
Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama and Texas must get the environmental cleanup crews mobilized.
Prepare for a massive environmental disaster in these coastal waters and on these beaches. Get funding from BP. This is not a once of spill. This pressurized "fire-hydrant-type-blowout" will only stop if the well is sealed or the oil and gas pressure drops. That could be many months. It is going to be a long hard cleanup that is being fed by ongoing pressurized oil spreading unseen along the ocean floor.
We are not fooled by the word spill when referring to oil blowouts such as "spills and leakage" which imply something benign like, "we spilt a glass of water or there is a small plumbing leak." Mitigation and damage control by the oil companies begins with word sanitization long before they ever get to clean up any of their pollution. Sadly we take their pollution and spread it across the world for them.
BP and Trans Ocean have lost control of the oil well blow out in the Gulf of Mexico.
We are being fed lies that the oil companies have the situation under control. The speed of spread of oil is far too rapid. This is a highly pressurized blowout from a great depth. It seems it will be a long time before anyone gets any control of this situation.
One gets the feeling that the people responsible for word mitigation are just feeding us platitudes or are totally incompetent at their job or have no technical knowledge of what is happening.
Warnings and Recommendations
I read about drilling a second well next to the first one to pump in mud or cement. This will only loosen the existing casing, enlarge the fractures and cracks around this spurting well. It will probably lead to the underground formation blowout which will create gigantic underground voids which will be impossible to seal. I suggest they first seal this well before drilling another and making an even bigger environmental disaster by creating a permanent ocean floor that is pumping oil.
Do not let this happen in Santa Barbara. One oil disaster there is big enough. Stop the drilling for oil into the 3000 mile Santa Barbara Fault Zone. Shut down all oil drilling and pumping permanently.
Change to clean renewable energy like solar, wind hydro-electricity and wave power.
Chris Landau (geologist) April 27, 2010