I have always had great skepticism about the various business and economic models. Well, yes, there are mechanisms there for making money. But, to me at any rate, making money was not, and never will be, one of the higher or nobler human pursuits.
At worst, all these business and economics "pundits" (by the way, the proper word is Pandit, as defined in ancient Sanskrit) are simply bloviating gasbags. My apologies to some of the well-known ones, Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Krugman and others. But how often do we see the likes of a Milton Friedman and others that have their empirical, jazzed-up theories crash like the unproven speculations that they are! How often do these charlatons get worshipped as demi-gods (think of Alan Greenspan, a premier author of today's pathetic economic collapse that is destroying millions of human beings around the world)? How often do their phoney models get shoved down the throats of unsuspecting, poorer, and looted nations? Who will properly account for the genocides and destruction wreaked by the cronies of Friedman and (in this case, a considerably weaker gasbag) Reagan? What did these jazzed up ideologues (typically in sleek 3-piece suits-to me representing clever covers for the complete inner void; the expression empty-suit comes to mind) do to places like Chile, Nicaragua, Cuba (through vicious embargoes and ideological inhumanity), and now in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Truly speaking, these fields could never be exact, hard science, since they are premised upon the institution of money making. Money making will always have human greed, lust for power, and instinct for corruption as its backdrop. Hence, hypothetical psuedo-sciences will simply never work. In small patches and small bursts, yes- they may appear to work. But that is within the framework of a few that make out like bandits. Look at the very structure of CEO salaries and concepts of executive bonuses (inherently corrupt and greedy practices)- and it is no surprise that these are roadmaps to Ponzi schemes, off-shore accounts, and "junk" bonds. In my view all proponents of different forms of capital investments, redistribution and the like are ultimately frauds. But because these frauds deal with money, they wield power in human society. Hence the emergence of institutions such as the Fortune 500 Club, the Murdoch Empire, the Wall Street Moguls (again the proper word is Mughal, emerging from the eponymous dynasty in India), and the many robber barons that looted human beings to accumulate obscene amounts of money (Cecil B. Rhodes, J. D. Rockefeller, and so many others).
Therefore, when I witness the bloviating gasbags on TV (such as the CNBC clips that Jon Stewart in The Daily Show so aptly presents in 8 1/2 priceless minutes on Comedy Central; webpage URL: click here make utterly ridiculous pronouncements, only to be proven pathetically wrong days or months later- I am not the least bit surprised. These gasbags are simply playing the age-old guessing game (if not practicing outright fraud). There is not an iota of science, vision or truth behind these pronouncements, or these parades of "punditry."
The above is simply con-game circus- much the same as John McCain claiming on TV one fine morning "The fundamentals of the economy are sound," on the same day that 4 or 5 major Wall Street Glitter-Houses turned into Poor Houses and began running for Socialist bailouts. Much like the destructive, clueless, violently deranged fool that stood on an aircraft carrier wearing a ridiculous codpiece, and announced to eternal ridicule, "Mission Accomplished." Much like his far more demonic counterpart from that Regime of the Dark Crypt (referred to by some as Darth Cheney) continues to use phony scare tactics to enable his money-making criminal buddies rake in more wealth by squeezing, terrorizing and killing the poor by the thousands, and continues the incoherent, lunatic babble about 9-11, Iraq, WMDs and the like.
Honestly, decent, creative, artistic, literate, scientifically driven human beings ought to shun all money-talk, no matter the garb, and not touch them with a 10-foot pole. In my vision, men and women in sleek, 3-piece suits spouting business theories are inherently suspect. This is true of a Lou Dobbs, a Maria Bartiromo, a Bernard Madoff, and a Sir Allen Stanford (with his multi-billion dollar stash). But, realistically, in this I realize I am in a woeful minority. Money, after all, makes the world go round. And, for the most part, frauds and charlatans run the show. The feud between capitalism and socialism, with all the attendant bloodbath- well, it is truly a form of tribal warfare. Unscientific, pseudo-scientific, empirical concepts wielded as weapons of mass destruction upon people. To me, all the talk of grand old capitalism is actually a means for the uber-wealthy to maintain and control vicious power over the majority (or have-nots, as they are defined). And in doing so, this fraudulent operation has put in place time-tested devices in the form of effective slogans. Slogans packaged as “patriotism,” “opportunity,” “individual rights,” and “land of the free, home of the brave.” All utterly bogus devices.
But, boy does this con-game work wonders for the wealthy! Boy does it need to be protected at all human cost! Thus, as we witness right now- there is plenty of tears for the “impoverished” Wall Street money-makers, and nothing but rebuke for unwise home-owners and the labor unions. After all, the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous have to be maintained! I do not intend to assert that an alternative model of absolute government control, especially via a draconian one-party system, is by any means a better alternative. There is really no good model in this pseudo-science. However, in the end, I would simply nod in favor of a socially conscious, monetarily empowering, egalitarian economic approach in a world besotted with greed and lust.