Dear Mr. Biden, Mr. McCain, Mr. Obama and Mrs. Palin:
I’m Joe Sixpack. You’ve all been talking about me lately and I wanted to introduce myself to you. I don’t quite live on Main Street, but live six blocks from Main Street. That means I am a bit of an independent thinker. I’m retired now, but used to own a small business. I have to admit one thing: My small business did a whole lot better under the Democrats than it did under the Republicans.
That tax cut that the Republicans gave me did put some extra money in my pocket -- about $500 for about three days. You see, because taxes got cut, the Federal Government stopped or cut back on financing things like schools and other other government programs. That means my property taxes went up about 100%, which ate up that $500 plus another $500. That put me in the hole. Then, sales tax went up a half percent to fund other government services. And then, everyone else started charging more because they were losing money on that tax cut too. So, when you all start talking about tax cuts, I get a bit nervous these days.
I do wish that you all would quit talking down to me. All of you have university educations. That means you should have learned how to talk properly. I don’t expect President Bush to speak proper English because, well, he just naturally mangles everything he says. Now, it appears that Mrs. Palin does the same thing, unless she has been coached a lot and has notes to read from. Regardless though, in speaking proper English, we don’t use words like “gonna,” “talkin,” “thinkin,” and so forth. If you are going to go and talk to other world leaders sounding like a hillbilly, and sounding “folksy” you aren’t going to get much respect. The world has had enough of hillbillies with President Bush. The world would like to see some degree of intellectualism from America for a change.
You see, Joe Sixpack went to the University too. He realizes that if he wants to make a good impression on not only adults, but also children, he needs to use proper English. Our children today need to see good examples, and all four of you seem to be failing in that department.
Mr. McCain and Mrs. Palin -- you both have been talking about how you are mavericks and how you are going to change Washington. Heaven knows -- Washington needs changing. It’s gone downhill a lot since Harry Truman’s days. But then today, I hear Mrs. Palin telling outright lies and making inflamatory statements about Mr. Obama. That tells me that you are lacking in integrity and honesty. Your saying or implying that Mr. Obama has terrorist ties is as asinine as your claiming that you have foreign policy experience just because you live in a state that is between Canada and Russia.
You see Mr. McCain and Mrs. Palin, Joe Sixpack believes in honesty and integrity. When I owned my business, I never told lies or made inflamatory statements about my competitors. It isn’t ethical or moral. Since that now appears to be the way that you two want to do business, I sure in hell don’t want either one of you in Washington.
About that “Wall Street Bail Out” project that Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama voted on: Looks to me like Mr. Obama got a lot of the tax cuts he wanted without even having to get elected. Looks like a lot of earmarks got written in as well. The problem is, I and my neighbors are going to be paying for this magnanimous largess of yours for the rest of our lives.
No one -- Mr. Biden, Mr. McCain or Mr. Obama -- were strong enough to stand up to the vote buyers, the vote sellers or the lobbyists. None of you even complained about all the earmarks and pork in that bill. That tells me, Joe Sixpack, and all my neighbors, that none of you are going to bring any change to Washington. It is going to be politics as usual.
Ask any small business person. They will tell you that tax cuts and easier credit is no way to run a business. If you are serious about getting the economy back on track, you have to take on the big corporations -- all of them. Stop the obscene profits so that the savings can be passed on to Main Street America. Lower prices will get people spending again.
Oh yes. One more thing. All of you claim to be concerned about the environment. In this bail out bill, you gave some tax cuts to professional racing -- NASCAR. Sure, they are a bloc of voters you want to appeal to. What about the carbon footprint that NASCAR racing leaves behind? You tax the hell out of everything else that is said to be bad for people and the environment. Why are you giving NASCAR a free pass?
Sitting here on the Sixpack family porch, my family isn’t sure that any of you are qualified to be representing our interests. You talk about change, but your actions, your lies, your deceptions and your attitude tells the Sixpack family that nothing is going to change.
Joe Sixpack and Family