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Our clear and present danger is Sarah Palin, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh

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Mary MacElveen
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In reading Frank Rich’s column: The Obama Haters’ Silent Enablers published in today’s New York Times, a tip of the hat goes to Mr. Rich as he blasts Fox News as well as Rush Limbaugh and Frank Gaffney.  Yes, I am all for free speech, but not speech which can ignite someone to assassinate anyone, as Limbaugh stated: “any U.S. soldier” who found himself with only two bullets in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama bin Laden would use both shots to assassinate Pelosi and then strangle Reid and bin Laden.”


Last I knew threatening speech is not covered by the First Amendment.  Anyone can follow Limbaugh’s directives and actually take out the Speaker and Senate Majority Leader, Reid.  Yet, there he sits and bloviates to millions.  Then again, Ann Coulter has done so in the past where she stated someone should put rat-poison in Justice Steven’s crème Brule or that Timothy McVeigh should have bombed the New York Times building.  Yet, both make millions coming from a froth-filled America.


While I cannot top what Mr. Rich opined of Fox News since he did a suburb job, I was struck when he mentioned the McCain/Palin ticket, since I feel it set the stage of this hate towards our President by lunatics.  In fact I did write of it during the presidential campaign.


Before I get into what I wrote of the campaign, I wish to address Palin’s beef with David Letterman who joked of Palin’s daughter and Palin herself.  He has somewhat apologized, but has Palin apologized to the nation for what she did during the presidential campaign?  As we all know, she played tinder-box politics which could have done more harm to this country than any joke made by Letterman.


Back in October of 2008 I wrote this piece: Sarah Palin in engaging in tinder-box politics is a danger to our national security and you will see clear and concise evidence of how she was able to stoke the fires of hate and fear.  Yet, the media reveres her and allowing her to opine of any issue facing the American people today.  I am of the opinion it is akin to asking David Duke where he thinks this country needs to go.


In my past piece I wrote: “She has said of Ayers that he was a domestic terrorist, but in our recent history, we did in fact have a true domestic terrorist who was deluded and pushed to the breaking point in Timothy McVeigh.  McVeigh’s anger at the government resulted in his bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City where 168 innocent people lost their lives.  Can Palin’s divisive speeches create yet another one just as dangerous as Tim McVeigh was?”


At one of her rallies, Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott while dressed in his uniform, invoked Barack Obama's middle name which is Hussein stoking the fires of hate towards Muslims.  That is far more dangerous to our nation than what Letterman did to her.


In her past rallies which thousands came to; only to hear chants of “Kill him” or “terrorist”, it was her responsibility to tell them to stop.  At one of her rallies a black cameraman was told to “sit down boy”


Rush Limbaugh has often cited that Sarah Palin is the true head of the Republican Party and that should scare every single American if so many would follow someone so hateful.  Do not let her winks and “you betchas” disarm you.


If she is that concerned over her daughter, then why did she take her children to so many of these hate-filled rallies for them to hear such racist feedback coming from those who attended them?  Why did she take them to a Philadelphia Flyers game only for beer bottles to be thrown in their direction?  One of those beer bottles could have killed one Palin’s children as they stepped out onto the ice.


The hate she threw out to her rallies did indeed come back at her at the Flyer’s game.


The thing that absolutely terrifies me at this point is if Heaven forbid someone were to actually get close to President Obama and take a shot; is what it would do to our country as we face a myriad of problems from the economy, health care reform, millions of people out of work and the list is endless. We do not need to turn on our news at one point only to hear that our President has been assassinated.


Those I would place the blame on would be folks like Sarah Palin and those at Fox News who try to connect the recent killings of an abortion doctor and a security guard by two madmen to our President.


The clear and present danger to all of us is to listen to hate-filled speech coming from anyone at Fox News, Sarah Palin’s past comments, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of their ilk.  We have much to solve as a nation and we surely do not need their voices stirring Satan’s cauldron of hate.


Author’s email address is, xmjmac@optonline.net


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I am a writer who currently writes pieces for my own blog http://www.mary-macelveen.blogspot.com I have been published by Buzzflash.com, TheLiberalPatriot.org and MikeHersh.com. I was a guest on the Jay Diamond Radio Show on WRKO in Boston and have (more...)
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