"Kill A Queer For Christ!"
For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. " Matthew 15:19 (NIV)
From Pam's House Blend:
Cass and crew are headed to DC on November 16th to protest the Hate Crimes Act in front of the Department of Justice. Their tactic?
...The "Rally for Religious Freedom" in front of the Department of Justice in Washington is intended to force Attorney General Eric Holder either to address the issues or be put in a position of ignoring those who say they are violating the provisions of the federal law, Cass said. "We're basically going to defy the law, and challenge it," Cass told WND. "We're going to declare the whole counsel of God, including those parts that some may consider 'inciting a hate crime' to see if the attorney general is going to come down and arrest a group of peaceful clergy exercising their First Amendment rights
And if you think that's scary, here's what Cass had to say in promoting guns to be carried in church:
Self-defense is not just a right, but a Christian duty. Jesus told his followers, "If you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. Jesus did not send his disciples out unprotected into a hostile world. In a world filled with gun violence, Christians must be prepared to respond with appropriate force to defend their family, neighbors and themselves.
But Cass neglects the rest of the passage:
"Lord, here are two swords!"
"That is enough, Jesus replied."
Of course, if Pastor Cass is in any way like Pastor Rick Warren, he could quote another version to suit his ideology: "Enough of that!"
BTW, Luke 22 comes 12 verses after Mathew's and John's admonition: "Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword." Another instance of a pastor's intuition: people who don't really READ the Bible will prefer him to do the reading for them.
Kill A Queer For Christ is not new.
And if you think that Cass's form of evangelism is new in its violence, here's a TIME magazine article about the Anita Bryant fracas in Florida, 1977:
In the heat of the campaign, emotions have got out of hand. A gay worker was hospitalized after a beating; others have received crank calls. Urges a bumper sticker: KILL A QUEER FOR CHRIST. After receiving many telephone threats, Jack Campbell, a gay-rights leader, has installed guards around his house. Bryant has also hired security men because of phone warnings.
So, when Cass marches with his fellow "Religious Freedom Fighters", think of these words truncated from the bones of A Thanksgiving Prayer by William S. Burroughs:
Thanks for the American dream,
To vulgarize and to falsify
until the bare lies shine through.
Thanks for the KKK.
For n*gger-killin' lawmen,
feelin' their notches.
For decent church-goin' women,
with their mean, pinched, bitter, evil faces.
Thanks for "Kill a Queer for Christ" stickers.
Thanks for laboratory AIDS.
Thanks for Prohibition and the war against drugs.
Thanks for a country where
nobody's allowed to mind the own business.
Thanks for a nation of finks.
Yes, thanks for all the memories--
all right let's see your arms!
You always were a headache
and you always were a bore.
Thanks for the last and greatest betrayal of
the last and greatest of human dreams.
Actual results of KILL A QUEER FOR CHRIST on Facebook: