Photo by flamk
Please take this piece very seriously, since it's at least pointing the way to what may very well be the only hope for Civilization and the continued existence of our species.
The first premise is that politics is not just more part of the problem than the solution; POLITICS IS THE PROBLEM. Specifically, politics is a game invented by and for the elites (aka, the "Have's") to maintain the status quo. Remember, the essence of fascism is "status quo-ism". This is so obvious. Why would the elites (or secret organizations like the "Illuminati", ugh.) want to change? Their philosophy is if it's not broke, don't fix it and since this less than one percent of humanity is living like Greek Gods, why would they want to change anything?
Want proof? Look at the 2006 Congress of dem traitors. They did everything but run Bush's bath water and genuflect in front of the White House, even though we busted our butts (and wallets!) to elect them. Never in American history has it been so obvious that we have a ONE party system which is a small army of puppets of America's Dictatorship of the Rich. Bill Clinton (a "Democrat"?) spends so much time licking the boots of the elites that he must have a permanently black tongue. However, the point really isn't Bill Clinton per se as that he's a treacherously representative sample of virtually ALL American governmental politicians. His DLC machine, for example, pukes out nothing but very far right dem politicians (e.g., the 2006 Congress).
So, is Obama going to be significantly different? Time will tell, but the jury is certainly still out and even if he does much of what he promised (and so far he hasn't), it will still be at best treating symptoms of what is almost certainly the literal beginning of the end of human existence.
The Bush eight horror show years basically broke the back of planetary Civilization. We must acknowledge that humanity is in flames; it's going down for the third time, genocide is EVERYWHERE, and the life and death ecosystems of the Earth may already have passed the point of no return.
But much MORE importantly, we must acknowledge that the Bush years were merely a writ large version of what astronomically rich pigs have been doing to suffering humanity for thousands of years.
Some people refer to the vampire elites as the "elephant in the living room" that no one acknowledges. Well said, but may I suggest a different image. This gaggle of multi millionaires and multi billionaire who rule our planet ABSOLUTELY (e.g., the Rockefeller's, the Rothschild’s, the Murdoch's, the Bush's, etc., etc.) should be called "The Beast" (in the Biblical sense, or otherwise).
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