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Popeye & Olive Oyl made the Forbes 400, will they escrow?

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Dwayne Hunn
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In 2009 Ralph Nader published his book, Only The Super Rich Can Save Us.

Nader: '...only the super-rich can save us!'
Nader: '...only the super-rich can save us!'
(Image by Ralph Nader)
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Warren Buffett and Bill Gates must have sped read what Ralph refers to as:

" not a novel. Nor is it nonfiction. In the literary world, it might be described as "a practical utopia." I call it a fictional vision that could become a new reality. Some known and not-well-known people appear in fictional roles.

Warren clearly appears in one of those "new reality" roles, which would play devilishly well in a movie.

In 2010 Warren and Bill launched what became known as the "Giving Pledge," a campaign to encourage the world's wealthiest to commit most of their wealth to philanthropic causes, which begins happening in the book in a Nader-Raiderisk manner.

According to the Huffington Post, by April 2012 "81 billionaires committed to giving at least half of their fortunes to charity," and by January 2015, 47 more signed. In May of 2015 ABC News said 135 had signed the "Giving Pledge."

About 10 years ago People's Lobby's (PLI) offered it's non-traditional funding mechanisms (NTFM) in the American World Service Corps (AWSC) Congressional Proposal as an minimally incremental means of implementing the "Giving Pledge," while inspiring the visionary super-rich to invest in an escrowed AWSC account that fields today's needed 21st century army. Using the Forbes 400 alone as the sole NTFM, we began calling it the "Less Than 2% Solution."

Recent decades of flow-up and trickle-down wealth growth has led us to now call it the "1% Forbes Solution," as charted below.

The American World Service Corps (AWSC) Congressional Proposal would establish a small umbrella office that would send "more" inspired Americans to already existing do-good organizations. It would enhance our and the world's "character" by fielding 21,000,000 Americans over a generation of 27 years doing a year or two of full-time national service in such beefed-up organizations as: Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, Habitat, Doctors Without Borders, Head Start, Red Cross, International Rescue Committee, Oxfam, Mercy Corps, State Conservation Corps, Heifer, Mercy Ships, FINCA, homeless centers, effective local non-profits, in-need schools, homes for the aged, physical therapy departments of hospitals, etc.,

Imagine how enhanced the "character" of Americans and world citizens could become if a million Americans a year were peacefully serving country and world. During a time when drought and storms grow fiercer and weirder, flood levels rise, and poverty and desperation become more and more obvious to those of us more blessed, isn't it time Americans stepped beyond pledges of allegiances and text messages and initiated actions that built character, enhanced friendship, and seeded development worldwide?

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Dwayne served in the Peace Corps in the slums of Mumbai, India, worked several Habitat Projects, and was on the start-up team of the California Conservation Corps. He has a Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University, has been a builder, teacher, (more...)

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