VHeadline editor & publisher Roy S. Carson writes: El Universal columnist Carlos Blanco says that President Hugo Chavez Frias has unsuccessfully tried to change Venezuela's political agenda but had discovered he does not have the political or economic strength to achieve his ambitions. Blanco says the President is confounded in the belief that he can violate the 1999 Constitution and the Law with impunity from his own power base and that he will always be "protected."
But this assumption is false, says Blanco, writing in today's issue of El Universal (The Universe) ... the legal case unravelling in Miami against two of Chavez' alleged collaborators, charged with smuggling some $800,000 to Argentina to make pay-offs in the (successful) presidential campaign of Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, show that Chavez cannot get away with blue murder. Bolivian President Evo Morales had also wanted Chavez to help him but he (Morales) has been on the verge of being overthrown as well and has (temporarily) gotten away with it with the support of the international community but it remains to be seen for how long when Chavez' backing fails.
Covert adherents of the "Chavismo without Chavez" movement in Latin America make an over profession of faith in Chavez as their leader, but deceptively they are waiting to watch his downfall ... Chavez knows this and has taken background precautionary measures ... but open threats emanating from (mostly opposition) media executives are taken very seriously indeed.
Blanco says that "much of the country does NOT believe in Chavez any more" ... it is NOT about sharing his "transcendental" beliefs, but rather that "they do NOT believe anything he says ... if he says a table is red, it is certainly NOT red and it is surely NOT a table ... the President conveys the impression of being a compulsive liar, capable of lying, even where there is no necessity to do so!"
"He has a serious problem with gestures that his advisers have failed to resolve ... when looks into the distance, he screws up his mouth, you see his facial tick, how his hands clench, the maniacal tone of his voice, everyone knows that he's a cowboy. The problem is, that it becomes all the more apparent when he curses and spews insults. When he expelled the US ambassador (Patrick Duddy) there was no doubt that, at times, he was unable to articulate a coherent meaning except to rail in solidarity with Bolivia' president Evo Morales and Fidel Castro against Washington DC."
"The other case is that of Antonini, who he has called a traitor ... a traitor to what? The truth is that he would be only if he betrayed common cause, i.e. that Antonini and Chavez are in the same boat? It shows that the President has become embarrassed by the truth ... if he is not ahead of the game, he resorts to lies. And it matter little who is telling the truth, because it has happened so many times now that he's simply not believed."
"The anti-chavistas are NOT skeptics ... but those who have followed Chavez faithfully are beginning to see him as an exaggerated motor-mouth!"
It's because of this that Chavez' constant references to assassination plots simply do not jive with El Universal's Blanco. He says a President who refers so constantly to covert murder plots or assassination, not only generates disbelief by the frequency if the claims but by Chavez' abuse of such qualifiers as "great" and "magnified" ... it is NOT plain and simple murder, but rather his predilection for what he terms as his "assassination" that touches people as simply crazy ... he uses it too frequently, and in the first person, to be believed as anything other than his latent wish to be martyred."
"Chavez believes in the power of his own impunity, which he seeks to enjoy into eternity. It's impossible! Some autocrats last longer than others, but they are NOT eternal, and, in a globalized world, eternity is too short and narrow. Those who 'glorify' Chavez today, will pretend to be surprised tomorrow, and they will say that if they had only known, they would NOT have supported him and would have turned him in saying that he is guilty of his own misfortunes. It is no secret that he relies on the corrupt structure of Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), the Vice Presidency, police and military intelligence hierarchies and some other shady characters to survive ... but, ultimately, everything will come to the surface and be generally known ... there will always be someone who blows the whistle on him."
"The new Chavez 'oligarchy' appears, for the time being, to be loyal to their leader ... but they are prepared to replace him. It's not only the Governor of (Metropolitan Caracas) Miranda State, Diosdado Cabello, who is maneuvering into position ... his 'nearest and dearest' in the United Sociallst Party of Venezuela (PSUV) are against him ... but objectively it is the discontented within the new 'Bolivarian bourgeoisie' that are waiting in the wings for more chances to grab position when he (Chavez) falls ... the communists are grouped with Chavez while the 'new-bourgeoisie' is aligned with Cabello, civilian rebel orchestrators and right-wing military."
Blanco insists that immensely rich Governor Diosdado Cabello's and Caracas' Mayor Freddy Bernal's recent public warnings to Globovision 24/7 news channel's Alberto Federico Ravell, El Nacional's Miguel Henrique Otero and El Universal's Andres Mata are NOT mere fighting-talk and threats.
"It means that the Fuhrer's lieutenants have indicated to their enemies that they will clamp down brutally on any attempt at social rebellion ... it looks like they are prepared to exercise crude violence if their hold on the government becomes unmanageable!"
Roy S. Carson
Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.