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OpEdNews Op Eds    H1'ed 4/6/13

Progressives Push Back Against Obama's Social Security, Medicare Austerity

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John Nichols
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Source: The Nation

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President Obama's plan to include Social Security cuts in his budget plan is well summed up by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders as a "bitter disappointment."

Obama closed his 2012 campaign with a populist flourish that seemed to suggest he was finally coming to believe his own rhetoric about the need for growth, as opposed to austerity. The strength of his message earned the president a mandate: a popular vote margin of almost 5 million, a landslide win in the Electoral College and significant gains in Senate and House races.

But, now, he proposes to squander that mandate in pursuit of a "grand bargain" with House Republicans -- a bargain that would replace the current approach to calculating cost-of-living increases for Social Security recipients with a "Chained-CPI" scheme. The change will harm not just seniors, children and people with disabilities but a fragile economic recovery.

Additionally, the president is reported to be prepared to propose some means testing for Medicare.

This is not Paul Ryan privatization. But it is a classic austerity cut.

It is wrong economically, and politically.

"Social Security is not driving the deficit; therefore it should not be part of reforms aimed at cutting the deficit. The chained CPI, deceptively portrayed as a reasonable cost of living adjustment, is a cut to Social Security that would hurt seniors," says former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich...

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John Nichols, a pioneering political blogger, has written the Online Beat since 1999. His posts have been circulated internationally, quoted in numerous books and mentioned in debates on the floor of Congress.

Nichols writes about (more...)

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